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PENN William a:on george william|k:it (william) (2)



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    Author: PENN (William)


    q - I PENN (William), Founder of Pennsylvania. A Brief account of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers, in which their fundamental principle, doc1rines, worship, ministry and discipline are plainly declared, .t2. pp.131. 8°. Lndon, 1694. A reprint of Penn’s preface to the Journal of George Q £ iZ1t-v -[Another edition.) pp. (8) + 158. [L.I.] 12g. T.So:ie: London, 1695.

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: PENN (William)


    jj 1i F”’ F PENN (William), Founder of Pennsylvapia. See FOX (George), Founder of the Society of Friends. A Journal or historical account of the lifE travels, sufferings, Christian expie. ences and labour of love in the wkbT the ministry of...George Fox, . (The preface, being a summary account of the divers dispensations of God to men, . LBy W.Penn.) !.) London, 169k.

    Card ID: 46