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PELCA Jarcslav Ja’i a:on e|k:e (or) (1)



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    Author: PELCA (Jarcslav Ja’i)


    PNA Pci PELCA (Jarcslav Ja’i). Tdentieth century theoio hi the nking.. . [By various authors .3 1ited by J. Pelikai. ranslated b R.A. Wilson. (A selection from the second edition of ‘Die Religion In GescMchte ‘und Geenwart’ pub].Ihed. . .1927- 1932.) (e Fontara Library. Theo1o and Fn11osophy.) .3 VQ1S. I.ondon and New York, l6970 1 Themes of biblical theology. 1969. 2. The theological dialogue: isaties and. resources. 1970. 3. Ecumenicity and rencwe.1. 1970.

    Card ID: 214