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PEIBLE William a:is william|k:it (william) (1)
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PEIBLE, William
Author: PEIBLE (William)
BACON SOCIETY RaFc ONLY PEIBLE (William). Vindici grati: a plea for grace, more especially the grace of faith...Lectures Mapdalen Hall in Oxford. The second edition. rWh dedicatory epistle by R.Capel, and an address to the reader by G.Walker.J pp. (20) + 162 [or rather 262). 4°. Printed for I.Bartlet: London, 1629. Section N has been wrongly imposed. pp..164, iVy. 2Oj arid 262 are incorrectly numbered 156, i8o, 295 and 162. Secticg ha ‘-ped.
Card ID: 449