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PEELE George a:on robert|k:an (robert) (5)
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PEELE, George
GREENE, Robert
GREETE, Robert
DYCE, Alexander
FER, Bernhard
Author: PEELE (George)
PEELE (George). The Works of George Peele. See GREENE (Robert), the Poet. The Dramatic and poetical works of Robert Greene & George Peele. With memoirs of the authors and notes by A.Dyce. London and New York, [&.1865).
Card ID: 312
Author: GREENE (Robert)
cjq9IG Oi4 GREENE (Robert), the Poet. The Dramatic and poetical works of Robert Greene & George Peele. With memoirs of the authors and notes by A.Dyce. pp. vi. + 624. 8o• London and New York, Cc.186J.
Card ID: 138
Author: GREETE (Robert)
GREETE (Robert) the Poet. See LONDON. [III. iiiaoeflan6oue Institutions, Societies, etc.] Malone Society. [Extra volume3.J 1922. Two Elizabethan stage abridgments: the Battle of Aloazar [by George Peele?) und Orlando Furioso [by Robert Greene?] (n essay in critical bibliography by W. W. Greg.) [Indon, 1923.J lb
Card ID: 183
Author: DYCE (Alexander)
DYCE (Alexander). GREENE (Robert), the Poet. The Dramatic and poetical works of Robert Greene & George Peele. With iemoirs of the authérs and notes by A.Dyce. London and. New York, [c.1865]J
Card ID: 248
Author: FER (Bernhard)
FER (Bernhard). Schweizer anglistieche Arbeiten, etc. [Continued.] ‘(P 71. HALTER (Peter). Katherine Mansfield und die Kurzgeschichte: zur Entwicklung und Struktur einer Erzhlform. 1972. 72. RUBRHT (Werner Herinann). Durrelle ‘Alexandria Quartet’. Struktur ala Bezugesystem: Sichtung g, und Analyse. 1972. 73. KA14ER (Hanarudoif). Kilnetleriache und politiache 52.- Extravagann im Sptwerk Shaws. 1973. & 74.SENN (Werner). Studies in the draniatic conceptionj.j of Robert Greene and George Peele. 1973. 75. STRAUMANN (Heinrich). Contexts of literature: an Anglo—Swiss approach. Twelve essays. 1973. [SEE NcT CARJ).j
Card ID: 97