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PEEL John a:on john|k:0959 (5)



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    Author: PEEL (John)


    PS [S - Journnl] PEEL (John), B.A., Leeds. JOURNAL OF BIOSOCIAL SOTENCE. Journal of biosocial science. Supp1qnnt 1. Bioocia1 aspects of race: prcceedgs of the Fifth Amiunl Syosium of the Eugenics SocIety, london, September 1968. dItcd by 0 .A .llarrieon [and] John Peel. Oxford and EdInburgh, 1969.

    Card ID: 274

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    Author: PEEL (John)


    ?S sarrcJ] PEEL (John), B.A,, Leeds, See JOURNAL OF BIO600IAL SCIENCE. Jou.rria]. of biosccia.t science, - Supplement 3. Biosocial aspects of human fertility: proceedIngs of the Seventh Axmual Symposium of the Eugenics Society, London, September 197<). Edited by A.S. Parker, J. Peel, B. Thompson. Oxford and Edinburgh, 1971.

    Card ID: 276

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    Author: PEEL (John)


    TB)! Eug PEEL (John), B.A., Leeds. See LONDON. LIII.] pgenics Society. Resources and population; proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium of the Eugenics Society-, London, 1972. Edited by Bernard Benjamin, Peter B. Ocx, John Peel. London and New York, 1973.

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: PEEL (John Hugh Brignal)


    MWSB Pee PEEL (John Hugh Brignal). Along the Pennine Way. pp. 204. Plates and nap. London, 1969.

    Card ID: 278

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    Author: PEEL (‘li11iain George), Bishop of Monibasa and WILLIS (John Jainieson)


    PEEL (‘li11iain George), Bishop of Monibasa and WILLIS (John Jainieson), 3isktop of Uganda. Steps towards reunion: a statement for the Consultative Committee. (Appendix.) p. 70. 0 8 . Loncon, 1914.

    Card ID: 307