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PEAD Deuel (2)



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    Author: PEAD (Deuel)


    ‘ tJJ PEAD (Deuel). An.nus victoriis mirabilis: a thanksgiving sermon preach’d on Tuesday, Dec.31. 1706, at St.Jaines’s Clerkenwell, occasiontd by the signal victories obtain’ d over the French, by the Duke of Marlborough, and the rest of the confederate forces. pp. i6. 8°. London, [1706]. Bound in a volume lettered: Sermons. vol. 2.

    Card ID: 162

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    Author: PEAD (Deuel)


    3t4- 4rcict cc4j PEAD (Deuel). The Honour, happiness, and safety of union; a a Sermon upon the uniting England and Scotland, preach’d at the Parish Church of St.James Clerkenwel May 1, 1707. pp. iG. 8°. London, 1707. Bij in a volume 1ettered Sermons. Vol. 2.

    Card ID: 163