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PAYNE Joseph a:l q|k:l (q) (6)



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    Author: PAYNE (Joseph)


    [tML) ‘Jb3’ i4c PAYNE (Joseph), Professor at the College of Preceptors. Frbol, and. tue kindergarten system of elementary education: a lecture delivered at the College or Preoeptors...2tki of February, 1874...Seoond. edition, revised. pp. iO. [Q.M.L.) 8. London, 1874. tQrn.) aP.a7. [Another copy.) £.Q..M.Ii.) F&-’ [Another copy.) [Q.M.L.j L’-’

    Card ID: 442

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    Author: PAYNE (Joseph)


    PAYNE (Joseph),,ofessor at the College of Preceptors. The Higher Education of the United States. [From the British Quarterly Review, October, 1670. By J. Payne.) [London, 18704 See UNITED SPATES OF Ab&ERICA. [Appendix — Education.]

    Card ID: 443

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    Author: PAYNE (Joseph)


    ( PAYNE (Joseph), Professor at the College of Preooptore. Why are the results of our primary instruction so uneatisfactory...A paper read at the Social Science Congress...1872. pp. 16. [Q..M.L.] O, London, 1872.

    Card ID: 451

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    Author: PAYNE (Joseph Frank)


    S]oG- PAYNE (Joseph Frank). Catalogue of the. ..collection of early medical woris, including anatomy and surgery, also a large...collection of books & tracts on pestilence, from the earliest times to the eighteenth century, the property of J.F.Payne...(Catalogue of the remaining portion of the library,. etc.) which will be sold by auction by 1srs. Sothoby, Wilkinson & Hode.. .on. 12th [—14th] of July, 1911 (oth[—31st1 of January 1912), j. 2 vols. in 1. 80. London, 1911—12.

    Card ID: 453

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    Author: PAYNE (Joseph Frank)


    Hr1L1 N/) PAYNE (Joseph Frank). Thomas Sydenhain. (Masters of Medicine.) pp. xvi. + 264. Poztrait. 8°. London, 1900.

    Card ID: 456

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    Author: PAYNE (Joseph Fran1)


    PAYNE (Joseph Fran1) See HARVEY (W.) Notes to accompany a facsimile reproduction of.the diploma of Doctor of Medicine granted by the Unive’sity of Padua to William HarvEy, 1602. With a translation by J. F. Pa3rne. kondon, 1908.

    Card ID: 458