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PAYNE Ernest Alexander (3)
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PAYNE, Ernest Alexander
Author: PAYNE (Ernest Alexander)
bc PAYNE (Ernest Alexander). Henry Wheeler Robinson: scholar, teacher, principal. A memoir. • .With. . .UiLpUblished lectures by Dr. Wheeler Robinson. [With a short bibliography.] pp. 212. Ptr jid_ plat. 8° London, 1946.
Card ID: 381
P73 •1, PAYNE (Ernest Alexander). See ROBINSON (Henry Wheeler). Studies in history and religion presented to Dr. H.Wheeler Robinson...on his seventieth birthday. [By various authors.) Edited by E.A.Payne. London and Redhull, 1942.
Card ID: 385
rH fri 43 PAYNE (Ernest Alexander). See ROBINSON (Henry w.) Two Hebrew prophets: stt1ies in Hosea and Ezekiel. [Edited by E.A. Payne.] Londo. and Redhill, 1948.
Card ID: 386