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PAY Jean Charles in (charles) (3)



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    Author: PAY (Jean Charles)


    XTL S27Y 913 PAY (Jean Charles). See SCWE (1aurice). (Selections.] urice Scve et 2. co1e i,yonmise (Pernette du Guillet, Louise T.ab). Extxits prsent4s et comments .r Antoinette Roubichou-Stretz. Publi sous la directicr de Jean Charles Payen. Paris, 1973.

    Card ID: 339

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    Author: PELTIER (Jean Charles Athanase)


    PELTIER (Jean Charles Athanase). HARE (Robert), M.D. Prosór of Chemistry in the 11’niversity of Pennsyvani . Of the conclusion arrived at by a Committee of the Academy of Sciences of France, agreeably to which, tornados are caused by heat; while agreeably to Peitier’s report to the. same body, certain insurers had been obliged to pay for a tornado as an electrical- storm.. Also, abstracts from Peltiex’s repbrt..with objections to the opinions of. Peltier and Espy. Second edition. fhiladelphia, i82.

    Card ID: 382

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    Author: SCEVE (urice)


    XTL S27Y 973 SCEVE (urice). [Selections.) I.urice Scve et lco1e ),yonnaise (Pernette du Guillet, Louise Leb). Extraits prsents et conmients par Antoinette Roubichou-Stretz. Piib1i sous a direction de Jean Charles Pay-en. (Bib1iothqueBordas.) pp. 191. Bibi. and facsims. Paris, 1973.

    Card ID: 360