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PAUL Robert a:an peter|k:is (peter) (4)
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PAUL, Robert
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Author: PAUL (Robert)
PAUL (Robert). Letters and dooument re1atin to Robert Ersidne, Physician to Peter the Great, Czar of Russia, 1677—1720. Edited by... R. Paul. EDINBURGH. Scottish History Sooiety-. 15, MisoeUany of the Soottish History Society. Edinburgh, 1904.
Card ID: 490
Author: ERSKINE (Robert)
ERSKINE (Robert), p,j• Letters and dociments relating to Robert Erskine, Physician to Peter the Great... 1877—1720.. Edited by. ..R. Paul. EDINBURGH - Sootth Historv Society. 15, c.. Miscellany of the Scottish History Society. Vol. 2. Edinburgh. 1904.
Card ID: 57
Author: No Author available
VLjp(P.C.1.) RUBENS (9.! Peter Paul). !€DLSY (Robert). Robert ld1ey on RuberM! ‘The ascent of Calvary 80. London, [19693.
Card ID: 62
2. PARIS. ciét de Pubileatious Rornanes et Franaies. [Publications.j 44. AEBISCHER (Paul). Textes norrois & iittératur française du moyen age. Vol.1. 1954. 1+5. BRUNEAU (Charles G.E.M.) Melanges iiiqu française a M. Charles Bruneau, etc. 1951+. Ra +6. KAHN (Fdlix). Le Système des teiaps de l’indicatif chex u.n Pisien et chez tine B.Iois CO1PLti ‘L(IJi 47. WAGNER (Robert L.) Suppl4inerit bib1iogra1i’que a 1’Introduction la linguistique française, 1947—1953. 1955. A ( &ct LY:J 1+8. WXLER (Peter J.) La Formation dii vocabulaire des chemins do Wrance, 1778-181+2. 1955. [s NEXT CAnt.]
Card ID: 261