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PATRICK Simon a:e or|k:on (e) (5)



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    Author: PATRICK (Simon)


    DEPOSITORY PATRICK (Simon), successively jsho1of jcester and of E1. The Auto—biography of Syrnon Patrick, Bishop of Ely. ow first printed from the original ‘manuscript. [With a list of the authorts works.] pp. viti. + 292. 8°. oxford, 1839.

    Card ID: 492

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    Author: PATRICK (Simon)


    Pc PATRICK (Simon), successively Bishop of Chichester and of Ely. A Brief account of the new sect of Latitude—Men... 1662. Introduction by T.A.Birrell, (Augustn Reprint Society. Publication Io.1OO.) ÷ 24. 8°. Los Angeles, 1963.

    Card ID: 493

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    Author: PATRICK (Simon)


    e PATRICK (Simon), successively bishop of Chichester and of E. The hristian sacrifices a treatise shewing the necessity, end and manner of receiving the Holy Conimuni-cn, together with suitable prayers arid meditations for every month in the year and the principal festivals in memory of our blessed Saviour...The thirteenth edition, corrected. pp. (24) + 525. Il1usations. 12°. London, 1708.

    Card ID: 494

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    Author: PATRICK (Simon)


    3Lt7 PATRICK (Simon), successively Bishop of Chichest and of Ely. A Sermon [on Daniel iv.35) preached before the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in the Abby—Church at Westminster, on the 5th of November, 1696, being the anniversary thanksgiving, for the happy deliverance from the gunpowder treason, and also for the happy arrival of ais present Majesty on this day, for the deliverance of our Church and nation. pp. 1. 4O London, 1696. Bound in a volume letter: Sermons. Vol. 4.

    Card ID: 498

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    Author: PATRICK (Simon)


    PATRICK (Simon), successively ishop Chichter and of See EDWARDS (Elizabeth R.) A Literary study of the work of Simon Patrick, seventeenth century divine. 1954.

    Card ID: 500