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PATERSON James a:toland john|k:an (john) (6)
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PATERSON, James Edmund Neil
Author: PATERSON (James)
4 --4 C, PATERSON (James), / TOLAND (John). Tetradymus. Containing...a defense of “Nazarenus”. . . against.. .Mr.Patterson, etc. London, 1720.
Card ID: 253
PATERSON (James), .rt,jst,. See LONDON. [III. hiscel1aneous Institutions, Societies, etc. I Old Water—Colour Society’s Club. The Old Vater—Colour ooiet.y’.s Club, tenth annua.l.volume, etc. (Jame Paterson, PR.S.W., R.S.., R.W.S., 84-4932. By Sir J.L.Ciw. [Wit.ha list of works exhibited..]) pp. 44—9. London, 1933.
Card ID: 255
‘M>< --r PATERSON (James), of Edinbur. History of the counties of Ayr and Wigton. 3 vole. th 5. Frontispiece •il1ustratons and folded facsimile. 8 . Edinburgh, 1863—66. 1. Kyle. 2. Carriclc. 3. Cuninghame. more oublished.
Card ID: 259
PATERSON (James), of Edinburgh. See DUNBAR (William), the Poet. The Works of William Dunbar, including his life, 1.,65—1536. With notes and glossarial explanations by J. Paterson. Edinburgh and London 183.
Card ID: 260
PATERSON (James), oi Edinburgh. HAMILTON (IV.), Poet, of Bang. The Poems and songs of William Hamilton of Bangour. Collated with the MS. volume of his poems...with illustrative notes, and an account of the life of the author, by J.Paterson. inbi.rgi, 1850.
Card ID: 261
Author: PATERSON (James Edmund Neil)
PATERSON (James Edmund Neil). And Delilah: nioe stories. pp. 253. 8°. LLondonj, 1951.
Card ID: 263