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PARSONS John Denha3 a:i i john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: PARSONS (John Denha3)


    jwI - f PARSONS (John Denha3). Author Bacon, beIng an account of seven years of refusal by the accepted authorItIes to supply a reasoned judgment concernIng certaIn new evIdence aff?ctIng the questIon of the IdentIty of the poet Shakespeare. 7 carts In I vol. 1D.—L.L.I 80 London, 1922. A colleeLIon of artIcles and pamphlets reIssued wIth u. general tItle—page. A revIew of thIs book, frQrn the NatIon & Athenum, Februr.y 3rd, 1,923, arId a leaflet on “The Shakespeare [SENXT CARL.J

    Card ID: 419