
Search Term (count):

PARRY Sir William Edward a:in william|k:it (william) (5)



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    Author: PARRY (Sir Edward)


    PARRY (Sir Edward), Rear-Admiral. §s& PARRY (j William Edward), Rear-Admiral.

    Card ID: 269

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    Author: PARRY (Sir William Edward)


    PARRY (Sir William Edward), Rear—Admiral. Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years l81—2O in His Majest’) s ships Heola and Griper, under the orders of W. E. Parry,. .With an appendit containing the scientific and other observaUons. (A supplement to the appendix...conta.ining an aooount of the subjects of natural history’). pp. ocix. + 310 - cccx. Plates$cMaps. 40• ondon, 1821-24.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: PARRY (Sir William Edward)


    03V FIB PARRY (Sir William Edward), Rear-Admiral. Joiirnal of a voyage of discovery to the Arctic regions performed between the tth of April and. the 18th of November, 1818, In his majesty’s ship Alexander, Wm.Edv.Parry, Esci. Lieut. and Commander. By an officer of the Alexander (i.e. AJisher]. (yçyags and rave1s, No.1, Vol.1.) pp. viii. + ion. Diagrams, tables arid folded map. 12° • I.ond.on, [1820]. Bound in a volume 1ettered ‘Voyages & travels’.

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: PARRY (j William Edward)


    PARRY (j William Edward), Rear—Admiral. Narrative of an atterrpt to reaob’the North Pole in boats...attached to His Icajesty’ s ship Heela in the year iB27, under the oorxnand of.. .W . E . Parr.. Illustrated by plates and charts. (Appendix. Zoology, by...J. C. Ross — Botanical appendix, by Professor Hooker— Enumeration of the rocks of Spitzbergen and the neighbouring isles. . .hy R. Jameson.) 4. ndon, 1828. Bound with Sir W.T.Parry’s’Journa1 of a third yge for the discover of a orwesssagere.

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: PABR( (Sir William Edward)


    I, PABR( (Sir William Edward). See PARRY’ (E,), Bishop of iJover, Memoirs of...Sir W. E. Parry, London1, 1857.

    Card ID: 349