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PARKER Theodore a:e or|k:e (or) (7)
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PARKER, Theodore
FERRIS, Theodore Parker
PARKER, Karl Theodore
Author: PARKER (Theodore)
PARKER (Theodore). The Critical and mioceilarwou writing5 of T. Pexker. l88.
Card ID: 118
PARKER (Theodore). A Discourse of niatters pertaining to religion. pp. viii. + 380. [G.G.) 0 12 . London, 1846. ____ r.-L_L-3 rJ -[Another edition.] With a prefacé by 0.Voyaey. pp. xvi. + 29. [D.—L.L.J 0 B . London, 1873. -. [Another edition.] pp. (14) + 335. [D.—L.L. 0 8 . London, 1875.
Card ID: 119
Lw”’q- -t>J & PARKER (Theodore). Ten sermons of religion. pp. vi. + (2) + 361. 0 12 . Lonion, t1853J.
Card ID: 120
PTN PAR PARKER (Theodore). Theodore Parker, American transcendentalist: a critical essay and a collection of his writings. By Robert E. Collins. pp.271. Port. Metuchen, N.J., 1973.
Card ID: 122
PARKER (Theodore). ‘%f\.L L4 O The Trial of Theodore Parker, for the misdemeanor” of a speech in Faneuil Ball against kidnapping, before the Circuit Court of the United States, at Boston, April 3, 1855, with the defenceby T.Parker. pp. xx. + 22 ÷ (1). G.G.] 8°. Boston, [privately printed], 1855.
Card ID: 123
Author: FERRIS (Theodore Parker)
DEPOST0Rt FERRIS (Theodore Parker). The Teaching office of the church. See SPERRY (Willard L.) Religion and T.1erris, etc. (Edited by Vl L. sperry pp. 97—ilL1.. Cambridg LMass.), 19L1.5.
Card ID: 437
Author: PARKER (Karl Theodore)
Sir PARKER (Karl Theodore). ?‘c’ Se ‘V1NDOR CASTLE. The Drawings of Flans Holbein in the collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle. LReproductions, with an introduction and a catalogue] by K.T.Parker. Oxford and London, 1945. (Second edition.) HOL. Oxford and London, 1945.
Card ID: 55