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PARKER Samuel (2)
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PARKER, Samuel
Author: PARKER (Samuel)
PARKER (Samuel), ishop of Oxford. LDe Rebus sui Temporis . —Latin.: Reverendi...Samuejis Parkeri De rebus sui teniporis commentariorium libri quattuor. E codice 1.S. ipsius autboris menu castigato, nunc primum in lucem editi. pp. 372. 8°. Londoi, 1726.
Card ID: 108
,Lct4c1 PARKER (Samuel), Bishop of Oxrord. A Der,onstration of the divine authority of the law of nature and of the Christian religion. In two parts. pp. (6) ± xlii. + (8) + 427. 40: London, i68i.
Card ID: 110