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PARKER Peter is (peter) (5)
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KENRIOK, Peter Riohrd
No Author available
Author: PARKER (Peter)
PARKER (Peter). 5 1ASHINGTON (c0LuNJ3IA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.21. [Article III.) No.356. GRAY (A.). Memorial of Joseph Henry. (Prepared by A.Gray, P.Parker and S.F.aird.) Washington, i88i.
Card ID: 87
Author: KENRIOK (Peter Riohrd)
KENRIOK (Peter Riohrd), s.C. Archbishop cf St Louis., Yi3’uri. The Va.lidity o Am1ican ordinations examined; or, a. review of certain facts rejardinc the oonseorati of Matthew Parker, first Protctant Archbishop of Canterbury. pp. xi. ÷ 227. F1. 0.] 1• Paephia, 1841.
Card ID: 9
Author: No Author available
GATAKEF{ (TrLOmas), (The Lives of Peter Martyr, Bale, Whitgift, Ridley, Whitaker, Parker and others.J See FULLER (T.), D., Prebendary of_Salisbury. Abel redevivus; or, the Dead yet speaking...By T.Fuller, assisted by several able and learned men, London, 1867.
Card ID: 125
Croi Shorthand [c.s.c.) 1676 [coles] 1. Collect:cn cference only COLES (Elisha), the Younger. An Snglish dictionary: explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physick... Containing many thousands of bard vordsTogether with the etymological derivation of them frau their proper fountains, etc. pp. (308). 8°. For S.Crouch: London, 1676. The text is followed by 20 unnumbered pages of advertisements for ‘Books printed for and souldby Peter Parker’. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 104
ENGLA1D. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Ar—ini.try. Meteorological Office. Geo,hysical memoirs [Continued.) 112. [For details of .thi volume see the Microfiche . Catalogue.] 1N: 113. PARKER (A.E.) An Observational study of the meridional flux of energy and angular momentum in the troposphere and lower stratosphere at latitude 30N. using 1958 IGY data. 1970. 114. WRIGHT (Peter B.) and STUBBS (Nartin w.) Circulat.on WrL patterns at 850, 700, 530 and 200 millibars over the eastern hernispheva fi-m 1f N to O0S during May and June. 1971. [s NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 234