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PARK Thomas a:park thomas|k:0686 (6)



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    Author: PARK (Thomas)


    PARK (Thomas), F.S.A. Sonnets, and other small poems. pp.. (2) + vi. + (2) + 120. Plates. EP. London, 1797. The tjt1epae is enrav,d.

    Card ID: 287

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    Author: PARK (Thomas)


    / PARK (Thomas) , F.S.A. The Works oV the British poets, including the most esteemed translations £rom the Greek and Latin authors. Collated with the best editions by T.Park. 70 ‘mis. 0 16 . London, 1815. Each has a special titlepage. The set was Dublished in parts and the seciai titlepages bear various dates, the general titlepages having_Iee issued with the’ last part in 1815. Some copies contain portrai s and plates, but they are not present i_n ti copy. I

    Card ID: 288

  • card

    Author: PARK (Thomas)


    PARK (Thomas), F.S.A. See LANGHORNE (J.) The Poetical works...Collated with the best editions by T. Park. London, i8o6.

    Card ID: 292

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    Author: PARK (Thomas)


    PARK (Thomas), F.S. , SHEN’3TONE (w.) °‘‘ C’ the Poetical works of V. Shenstone..a collated with the best editions by T. Park. iqo6.

    Card ID: 294

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    Author: PARK (Thomas)


    PARK (Thomas),- F.S.A. WALPOLE (H.), Earl of irfçr.. A Catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with lists of their works ...Enlarged and continued to the present time by T.Park. London, iSo6.

    Card ID: 295

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    Author: PARK (Thomas)


    V PARK (Thomas), Professor of Zoology in the University örhIoago. Studies in population physiology. II. Factors regulating initial growth of Tribolium oonfusum populations. LWith a bibliography.) A dissertation submitted to the... (University of Chicago) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy [in 1932).. .Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Zoology, Vol. 65, No. 1, 1933. pp. 17-42. Tables. 8°. Chicago, 1933.

    Card ID: 297