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PAGE John a:an john a|k:to (john) (151)



  • card

    Author: PAGE (John)


    (wYc LF PAGE (John), Minstrel. John Page’s SIege of llouen. Kritische Textausgabe, nebst ausui3.hrlicher Einleitung, Anmerktmgen, Glossar und zwei ICartenbeilagen, von H.Huscher. (K1ner anglistisehe Arbeiten, 1.) pp. xii. + 27. 0 8. Leipzig, 1927.

    Card ID: 490

  • card

    Author: PAGE (John Lloyd Warden)


    PAGE (John Lloyd Warden). The Coasts of Devon and Lundy Island: their towns, villages, scenery, antiquities and legends... With map and illustrations. pp. xix. + 444. 8°. London, 1895.

    Card ID: 491

  • card

    Author: PAGE (John Lloyd W3rden)


    PAGE (John Lloyd W3rden). An x1oration of Dartmoor and ite tiquitiee, with 8Oe account of its borders...Witb a jnp, plans, etohins, and other il].ustratione pp.xvi.÷ 312. [Lal.] 8°. London, 1889.

    Card ID: 492

  • card

    Author: PAGE (John Lloyd Warden)


    fri PAGE (John Lloyd Warden). An p1oration of Exmoor and the hil). ooirntry of West 8omerset with notes on its archIeo].ogy...Tbird edition. With map and. illus trations. pp. zvi.i- 324. [L.I.) 80. London 1893.

    Card ID: 493

  • card

    Author: PAGE (John Lloyd rarden)


    DEPOSITORY PAGE (John Lloyd rarden) The Rivers of Devon, from source to sea. With some account of the towns and vil1aes on their banks. pp. xv. ÷ (1) + 348. Frontispiece, plates and folded map. 8°. London, 1393.

    Card ID: 494

  • card

    Author: HMDY (William John) and PAGE (William))


    ‘ • HMDY (William John) and PAGE (William)) Record Agent A Calendar to the feet of fines for London & Middlesex. 2 ‘lois. 8°. Lonan, 1892—93. Interleaved. 1. Richard I. to Richard III. 2. 1 Henry VII. to Michaelmas, 11 and 12 Elizabeth.

    Card ID: 307

  • card

    Author: PAGE (Jesse)


    DEPOSLTbR’ ? PAGE (Jesse). John Bright: apostle o± Free Trade, pp. viii. ÷160. Portraits and illustrations. 8°. Londor, 19O+.

    Card ID: 487

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    Author: GAY (John)


    j,CjCtviiC) 6c GAY (John), the Poet. The Poetical works of John Gay. (Life of John Gay.) pp. xxiii. + 371. Prontipieee. LC.C.J l2. London, 1611. Imperfect wanting the title-page. wrtlramecoiia, enravea3jit1e-page.

    Card ID: 321

  • card

    Author: YDN (John)


    N’tT a) D1YDN (John). [Poetical Works.) The Poetical works of John Dryden, containing original poorns, tales and translations. With notes by Joseph Warton, John Warton, and others, Land with Johnsons life of Dryden). pp. xii.. lx.+ 445. Portrait. 89 London, 1651. Vlith a second, engraved title-page.

    Card ID: 64

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    Author: LEYDN (John)


    I LEYDN (John). The Poetical remains -of the late Dr. John Leyden. With memoirs of his life, by J. Morton. pp. ix. + xcii. .+ 415. 8°. London, 1819. Aplate has been pasted on the verso ofj first page ix.

    Card ID: 210

  • card

    Author: MILTON (John)


    C,cvitk L_ MILTON (John). [Poetical Works,] The Complete poetical works of John Milton. With explanatory notes, arid a life of the author, by H.Stebbing. (Dove?,s English Classics.) pp. xvi. + 54B Frontispiece. 12. London, [. 1840]. With a second eaved title—page,

    Card ID: 294

  • card

    Author: MILTON (John)


    C- ptri•: r MILTON (John). [TTinor Poems.] Comus and other poems. pp. 84 + (2). Facsimile title-page. 8°. London, Cambridge printed, 1906. 250 cpie on1 printed.

    Card ID: 315