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PAGE Denys Lionel a:p |k:p (will) (2)
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PAGE, Sir Denys Lionel
PAGE, Denys Lionel
Author: PAGE (Sir Denys Lionel)
XFD7 Pag PAGE (Sir Denys Lionel). Epigramn.ta graeca. Edidit D. L. Page. (Scrip_ m_CJassicorwn Bibliotheca Oxonienzis.) pp. xiv, 373. Oxford, 1975.
Card ID: 455
Author: PAGE (Denys Lionel)
Fography C2 LPJ Room PAGE (Denys Lionel). Greek literary papyri. Texts, translations ancL. notes by D.L.Page. Vol. 1, ç. 80. London anc Ca:rbrd, ;.ius., In progress. 1942. Q’J P. continuation of HUNT (Arthur s.) and EDGAR (cc) Select papyri. 1932—34, of which it forms third vo1u,
Card ID: 456