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PAFFORD, John Henry Pyle
Author: PAFFORD (John Henry Pyle)
PAFFORD (John Henry Pyle). Book selection in the university library. (Sonderdruck [from] Aus der Welt des Bibliothelcars: Festschrift fur Rudolf Juchhoff zuni 65. Gebartsta,g.) pp. t2_L26. 8. [Cologne, 19613. Catalogued from tie caption.
Card ID: 402
- 1jL PAFFORD (John Henry Pyle). Defoe’s’Proposals’ for printing the ‘History of the Ur.ion’. [Reprinted from The Library, September, 1956.1 pp. 202—206. 8°. [aon, 19561. Catalogued from the caction. [Another copy.] DLLL iq& r frnf\. OfJ. 6ubmitted,. with other publications, for the degree of D.Lit., London, 1%.
Card ID: 404
PAFFORD (John Henry Pyle). Library eo-oeration in Hurope. [With a bibliography.) pp. 34. 8. Iondon, 1935. [Another copy.] EPOSITRy [Another copy.JESJo. 4.
Card ID: 406
DEPOSITORY PAFFORD (John Henry Pyle). The Spas and mineral sprints of Wiltshire... Reprinted from the Wiltshire Archologica1 and Natural History Magazine, Vol. lv. [With a bibliography.1 pp. 29. M. SO [Devi and London, 1953]. Additio1 information and corrections have beet inserted at the end of the pamohiet. [Another Copy.] .b,Lh !qbs. cnj. Subrnittedythoterpubjjcfltjons for he
Card ID: 408
-, PAFFORD (John Henry Pyle). çg BALE (John), Bisho of Ossor. King Johan. [Printed I’rom the manuscript in the Henry E.Hijntington Library in Califora4a.1 (Edition prepared by J.LP. Pafford,) [2acLord priited], 1931.
Card ID: 411
JGE Bry PAFFORD (John Henry Pyle). See 3ysK’rr (Lodowick). Literary works: ‘A discourse of civil life’ [translated and adapted from the Dialogues or G.B. Giraldi], ‘The mourning muse of Thestylis’, ‘A pastoral aeglogue upon the death of Sir Philip Sidney, Knight’, with John Milton’s ‘1ycidas’. [Facsimiles. J Edited. with an Introduction by J.H.P. Pafford. [London], 1972.
Card ID: 412
3 kc q 3’‘?ic o PAFFORD (John Henry Pyle). See CITIZEN. The Soddered citizen. A play in verse. Here tentatively attri1ited to Shaker— ley Marmion or John Clavell. Printed from manuscript.] (Edition prepared by J.H.P.Paf ford.) [Oxfor printed], 1936.
Card ID: 413