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P William Harold a:in william|k:it (william) (7)
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P, William Harold
BREE, Gerald William
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Author: P (William Harold)
TAX Hut Hfl’P (William Harold). Eeonomists and the public: a study of copetit ion and opinion. pp. 377. 8. London, 1936.
Card ID: 212
Author: BREE (Gerald William)
1 TCCb Bre BREE (Gerald William). The Impact of 1are installatioiis on nearby areas: accelerated urban growth. (By] Gerald Breese, Russell J. Klingerimeier, Harold P. Cahill, Jr., James B. whelan, Archer S. Church, Jr. [and] Dorothy E. Ithiteinan. pp.632. Illus. Beverly Hills, 1965.
Card ID: 69
Author: No Author available
“P Family of. s o’:i (William Harold). Journey from obscurity: Wilfred Owen, 193—1 918. memoirs of the Owen family. London, 1963—65.
Card ID: 305
L. 1c3.Z4F PEAFCE (Ernest Harold), Bishoø of Worcester. NURD...(Eichard), successively Bisho_p of Lichfield and Coveny, arKi of Worcester. The Correspondence of Eiehard Hurd & William Mason.. .With introduction and Pearce, . Cambridge, 1932.
Card ID: 288
AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIE2Y. Publications. [Continued.] (P C .2) 149. POETA. Poets de tristibus; or, the Thet’s complaint. 1682. Introduction and notes by Harold Love. [A facsimile reprint of a copy in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.] 1971. ig:L 150. TANGERINE (Gerard), the Younger. Momu.o triunpharw; or, ti. the Plagiaries of the English stage. 1688 (1687>. Introduction by David Stuart Rodes. (Facsimile reprint of a copy in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.] 1971. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 176
GLASGOW. University of Glasgow, W.P.Ker Memorial Lectures. [continueaJ 7. MUIR (Edwin). The Politics of King Lear. 1947. ft Cica- CnjoJ 8. WADDELL (Helen). Poetry in the Dark Ages. 1948. p [xs- s3fl.J 9. NICOLSON (Sir Harold G.) The Future of the English- speaking world. 1949. to. No( jSLsLvL. Y’(F (r.c.i.) 11. CRAIGIE (Sir William A.) The Romantic poetry of Iceland. 1950. 12. BICKERSTSH (GeoffreyL.) Dante’s Virgil: a poet’s poet. 1951. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 461
1’ PDCb Bre KUNGZN€1SR (Russell J.) See BREE (Gerald William). The Impact of large installations on nearby areas: accelerated urban growth. [By] Gerald Breese, Russell J. Klingenmeier, Harold P. Cahill, Jr., James E. Whelan, Archer E. Church, Jr. land] rothy E. Whiteman. Beverly Hills, 1965.
Card ID: 65