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P John, Fellow o Ben’et College a:on john|k:0959 (1)
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P, John, Fellow o Ben’et College
Author: P (John), Fellow o Ben’et College)
cc COw CcY,iP (JOhn), Or'>FellOw O Ben’et COllege) CambridEe. see cwp (Wifliam), the POet. [AdeJ.phi.] Adeiphi: a sketch Of the character, and sn accOunt Of the last illness, Of the 1at Rev, JOhn COwper. . .Written by his brOther, the late William COwper, Esq....Faithfali,y transcribed fran his Original manuscript by JOhn NewtOn, etc. 120 LOndOn, 18”2.
Card ID: 341