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OXBERRY William a:to john|k:to (john) (5)
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OXBERRY, William
HOME, John
GAY, John
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Author: OXBERRY (William)
OXBERRY (William). The New English dxama, etc. [Continued.) 3. Richard the Third. Hamlet. Is he jealous. Alexander the Great. Way to keep him. 1818. 4. She stoops to conquer. Venice preserved. The Wonder. Castle spectre. Woodman’s hut. i8i8. 5. Clandestine marriage. Soldier’s daughter. Othello. Distrest mother. Provok’d husband. 1819. 6. Deaf and dumb. Busy’ body. Romeo and Juliet. BeUe’s stratagem, and Recruitin,g officer. 1819. 7. A Bold stroke for a wife. Road to ruin. Beaux’ stratagem. A you like it. Kjng John. 1819. 8. Country girl. Jane Shore. Coriolanus. Suspicious husband. Xerry wives of Wjndsoi. 1818 [1819—20). [SEE NEXT CARDJ
Card ID: 42
Author: HOME (John)
HOME (John), Author of “DouRlas”. Douglas: a traedy...Witb prefatory remarks... and.. stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal. By W.Oxberry. 0 12 . London, 1821. See OXBERRY (William), The New En1ish drama, etc.
Card ID: 280
Author: VANERUGH (Sir John)
YBL Oxb VANERUGH (Sir John). The Confederacy: a cotnedy...With prefatory remarks...and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W.Oxberry. 12°. London, 1821. ee OXBERRY (William). The New English drama1 fl. Vol. 12.
Card ID: 515
Author: GAY (John)
(-, I, •Y(_C’7” 7 GAY (John), the poet. The Beggar’s opera...As it is. performed at the Theatres Royal. (Oxberry’s Edition.) pp. vi. + (2) + 84. Portrait ancLjagram. 12°. Lqi. i8i8. Bound in a volunie lettered:P1ays VII. ...—[Another issue.] 12 . London, 181& See o)ERRY (William). The New English drama, Vol.2.
Card ID: 336
Author: No Author available
Y81-. BEBEY (william). !2. o’KEEFFE (John). Wild. oats; or, the Strolling gentlemen: a comedy... With prefatory renarks.. .and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W .Oxberry. 12°. London, 1820.
Card ID: 57