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OWNE John a:an john|k:to (john) (7)



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    Author: OWNE (John)


    OflOWNE (John). The rat,io works of John Crowne. Wit.h prefatory memoir and notes. 4 vole. Edibtr printedi, London, 1873—74. See DRAM1TISTS. Dramatists of the Restoration.

    Card ID: 127

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    Author: TAYLOR (John)


    &cCHIAttj TAYLOR (John), the Water Poet. The Vnnaturail father; or, a Cruell murther committed by one Iohn Rowse...vpon two of’ his owne children. See HI1DLEY (Charles), of Booksellers’ Row t rand. The Old book collector’s miscellany, Vol. 3. V Londoi, 1873.

    Card ID: 497

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    Author: TAYLOR (John)


    TAYLOR (John), the Water ?ot - The Kings most excellent )Aaesties welicome to his owne house, truly called the Honour of Hampton Court, who came thither on the 24.of August, and so consequently hoped and humbly desired to White-Hall. ge HINDLEY (Charles), BQokslrst sow, Strsnd. The Old book collector’s miscellany, etc. Vol. 3. ndQ, 1873.

    Card ID: 485

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    Author: SUGLCIING (Sir John)


    STERLING LIBRARY REFRENC ONLY SUGLCIING (Sir John). Fragmenta aurea: a collection of all the incomparable peeces, written by Sir John Sucklihg, and published by a friend to perpetuate his memory. Printed by his owne copies. 4 parts in 1 vol. Portrait. 8. Printed for H.Moseley: London, 1646. In part 1 there are separate titlepages to Poerns Letters and An accoint of religion by reason. The three plays each have separa-te tftlepages, pagination and registers. S.L.C.1 I. 850.

    Card ID: 569

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    Author: No Author available


    GCji.k C1Zcbj BALE (John), Bishop of Ossory. The First two partes of the actes or vnchast examples of the Englysh votaryes, gathered out of their owne legenades [sic] and chronycles by Johan Bale, 2 parts. 80 Thomas Raynaide [and Abraham Vele]: London, 1548—51. The first part hasno mrijt gn_thtilepge, but e name of Raynalde appears in the colophon. The secondpart has an inmrint reading_“Imprinted at London2 f Johan Bale... M. D. &LJ. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 195

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    Author: No Author available


    C . : CHARLES I., King of Great Britain and re1and. 1Appndix. — Biography. — Separate Events. 1647. 24 Aug. — 11 Nov. At Hampton Court.] See HINDLEY (Charles), of Bookseliers’_Rovr, Strand. The Old book collector’s miscellany, etc. Vol. 3. (The iCings most excellent Majesties weilcome to his owne house, truly called the llnour of Rampton Court. • .Written by.. .John Tailc) London, 1873.

    Card ID: 435

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    Author: No Author available


    ieLL TAUDIANS. Ladensivn icvL-’.c The Canterbvrians self—conviction; or, an Evident demonstration of the avowed Arzninianisme, Poperie and tyrannie of that faction, by their owne confessions [in works by W. Laud and others]. With a postscript to the Personat Jesuite Lysimachus Nicanor [John Corbet), a prime Canterburian. [By R. Baillie.J 2 1 vol. [D.—L.L.] 0 4 . [Edinburgh?] printed,1640 p. 115—122 in the first part are numbered 107—114.

    Card ID: 59