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OWEN Nicholas on (nicholas) (7)
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OWEN, Nicholas
COOPER, George Owen White
JONES, David
No Author available
Author: OWEN (Nicholas)
OWEN (Nicholas) British remains; or, a Collection of antiquities relating to the Britons: comprehending I. A concise history of the Lords Marchers... II. The arms of the ancient nobility and gentry of North—Wales. III. A letter of Dr. Lloyd...concerning Jeffrey of Moninouth’s history. IV. An account of the discovery of America, by the Welsh...V. A...poein of Taliesin, translated into Sapphic verse... The whole selected from original MSS. and other authentic records. To which are also added, Memoirs of Edward Liwyd, antiquary, transcribed from a manuscript in the ?Auseum, Oxford. By N.Owen. pp. (4) + viii. + 184. 8°. L’don, 1777.
Card ID: 421
Author: COOPER (George Owen White)
‘\JC c’L COOPER (George Owen White). See CAMBRIDGE. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. IPublications. — Octavo Series.) 22. Nicholas Tyery’s proposals to Henry the Eighth for an Irish coinage... Edited by G.O.W.Cooper and F.J.H. Jenicinson. Cambrid and London, i886.
Card ID: 84
Author: JONES (David)
JONES (David), Vixf t1anfair-Duffrjn-Cwyd. OWEN (Nicholas). British remains.. .cornprehendlng.-. .V. A... poets of Taliesin, translated into Sapphic verse .(by D.Jones) London, 1777.
Card ID: 349
Author: No Author available
ct1 MADOC, p Qwe wynedd, Prince of North Wales. An Account of the discovery of America, by Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd, in the year 1170, ejç. , OWEN (Nicholas). British remains, fldQl1, 1777.
Card ID: 284
GALFHIOUS, Monuetensi, Bishop of Saint Asàh. [Historia Regut Britanniae. — Appendix.i OWEN (Nicholas). British remains.. .coinprehending. . .111. A letter of Dr. L.loyd...concerning Jeffrey of Zvlorunouth1s history, etc. Lon4o, 1777.
Card ID: 118
TALIESIN, the Bard. A celebrated poem of Taliesin [beginning “Ef a Wnaeth panthon”, etc.] Translated into Sapphic verse by...David Jones. [Welsh and tatin See OWEN (NIcholas). British remains, etc. London, 1777.
Card ID: 313
WALES. [Appendix. J The Names and arms of the ancient nobility and gentry of North—Wales, taken from a book of pedigrees, written about A.D. 1560. ac.. OWEN (Nicholas). British remains, etc. London, 1777.
Card ID: 517