
Search Term (count):

OWEN Joannes a:be john|k:are (john) (3)



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    Author: OWEN (Joannes)


    t&’ LO OWEN (Joannes), the Epirammatist. Rasarium, dat is Rosen—Garden: lateinisohe Epigramme John Owens irk niederdeutscher !bersetzung (1638). [By] (Bernhardus Nicus Ancumanus.) Herausgeeben von A. Lindqvist. (prucke des Vereins ffr nderdeut Sprachforschug, 7.) pp. xxxvii. + i68. 8°. Norden and Leipzg, 1926.

    Card ID: 390

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    Author: No Author available


    •3 NIC.EUS (Bernhardus), Ancu. OWEN (Joannes), the Epigrmmatist. Rosarium, dat is Rosen—Garden: latein— isehe Epigramine John Owens in ni ederdeutseher fiberset zung (1638).. [By] (Bernhardus Nicus Ancumanus,) etc. Norden and Leipzig, 1926.

    Card ID: 520

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    Author: No Author available


    - 2 c. Leoci. OWEN (Joannes), the Epigrammatist. John Owe& s Latine epigrams, englished by P.Harvey, etc. pp. (10) + 180 + 24. [D.—L.L.] 0 12 . Londa, 1677. The volume is divided into tour sections, each with a separate dedication and titie—$ge, but the pagination is continuous. The last page is a duplTcate ot the rirst title—page, but iJUh the imprint, ‘London, prantea tor Edward Robinson, bookseller in Ludlow’, and the date lbjS. Atter p. 180, the pagjnation ii irregular.

    Card ID: 389