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OTT Walter a (walter) (8)
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OTT, Walter
SCOTT, Walter
No Author available
NEAL, Julia
WHITEHILL, Waiter Muir
Author: OTT (Walter)
SA Ott OTT (Walter). Der Re ht$1xjtjvisrnus kritische WirdigUn auf der Grundlage eines juristischen Pragmatismus. (ErrBhrung und Denken, Li.5.) pp. 231. Berlin, 1976.
Card ID: 211
Author: SCOTT ( Walter)
Vi’i SLwT SCOTT ( Walter), Bart. Woodstock; or, The cavalier etc. (The Fine Art ott, 21.) pp. viii. + )á1+. Plates. 8 . Londpi, [1910].
Card ID: 282
Author: No Author available
LQR. Ott OTTO (Walter Friedrich). Die Musen und der gttliche Ursprun des Singens mid Sagens. Zweite Auflage.) pp. 90. 8. [Dusseldorf and Cologne], 1956.
Card ID: 344
IJs Ott ALHSR (Roben 3.) See oro (Walter Friedrich). [Dionysos: Mythos urid. Kultus. — Englist Dionysus: myth and cult. Translated [from the aernmn) with an introduction by R.B.Palmer. 8°. Bloomington, Rid. and London, 1965.
Card ID: 291
Author: NEAL (Julia)
folio 33 PUll Pea NEAL (Julia). The Shaker image. [Photographs.) Elmer E. Pearson, picture editor. The Shakers, as they saw themselves and as others saw them [by) (Julia Neal). With a preface by Walter Muir Whitehill, and captions by Amy Bess Miller and John H. Ott. Boston, 1971i.. See PEA1SON (Elmer R.)
Card ID: 280
folio 33 PUll Pea PEABSON (Elmer R.) The Shaker ine. [Photographs.) Elmer R. Pearson, picture editor. The Shakers, as they saw them.. selves and as others saw them [by] (Julia Neal). With a preface by Walter Muir Whitehill, and captions by Amy Bess Miller and John H. Ott. pp. 190. Map. Boston, 19714.
Card ID: 434
Author: WHITEHILL (Waiter Muir)
folio 33 PUll Pea WHITEHILL (Waiter Muir). See PEARSON (Elmer H.) The Shaker image. [Photographs. 1 Elmer B. Pearson, picture editor. The Shakers, as they say them8elves arid as others saw them [by) (Julia Neal). With a preface by Walter Muir Nhitehiil, and captions by Amy Bess Mifler and John H. Ott. Boston, 1974.
Card ID: 407
BflTRAE ZUR SGHWEIZERDEUTSCMPN MUNDARTFORSCHUNG. Beiträce zur schweizerdeutschen Mundartforschung. [Continued.] tits’ 18. OTT (Peter). Zur Sprache der Jäger in der deutschen S.J Schtthiz: em Beitrag zur Terminologie der Sondereprachen. 1970. 19. LERCH (Walter). Probleme der Schreibung bei schweizer4E’ deutachen Hundartschriftstellern. 1971. Xv )c -.Lt 20. L1JESSY (Heinrich). Umlautprobaeme im Schweizerdeutschen: Untersuchungen an der Gegenwartssprache. 1974. 21. ZUERRER (Peter). Wortfelder in der Hundart von Gressoney: ‘J em Beitrag zur Kenntnis der norditalieniochen Walser-!lundarten. 1975. [SEe NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 359