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OTIS Arthur Sinton a:by arthur|k:0357 (3)
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OTIS, Arthur Sinton
Author: OTIS (Arthur Sinton)
OTIS (Arthur Sinton). An Absolute point scale for the group measurement of intelligence.. .Reprint from the Journal of ducational Psychology, Vol. IX., Nos. 5, 6, May—June 1918. [With a bibliography.] pp. 43. Tables and charts. 8°. 1ltimore, 1918].
Card ID: 160
OTIS (Arthur Sinton). Ligit velocity and relativity...Thirct edition. pp. xi. + 130. Diagrams. 80. [Yonkers—on—Hudson, N.Y.j, 1963.
Card ID: 161
OTIS (Arthur Sinton). Otis self—administering tests of mental ability...Manual of d’ireotions and key for intermediate and higher exandnations [with examination forts and chartsl. 12 items. Tables. 4°. London, 1197?J
Card ID: 162