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ORTHY John a:on john|k:0959 (2)
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Author: ORTHY (John)
GALSV1ORTHY (John). The Works of John Galsworthy. Grove edition. [Continued.) 21. The Inn of tranquillity and other impressions. Verses new and old. 1936. 12. The Forsyte saga. Vol. 1. The man of property. 1933. lLi.. The Forsyte saga. Vol. 3. Awakening. To let. 1933. 15. Satires and a commentary. 1935. 16, Caravan. Vol. 1. A Stoic. 1932. 17. Caravan. Vol. 2. The apple tree, 1936. 18. Caravan. Vol. 3. The first and the last. 1935. 19, A Modern c . 1. The White on1cey. A Silent wooirig. 1931. [E N1XT CARD.] I
Card ID: 8
STERLING LlEFARY ij L9 kt REFEFENCE ONLY ) GALSi7ORTHY (John). Awakening...Illu3trated by R.H. Sauter. pp. 63. 4°.London, [1920]. Pert of “The korsyte Saga”. Pirstng1ish Edition. S.I.C., II. 211.
Card ID: 27