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ORTH William a:are john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: ORTH (William)


    W877a Wor woEDsORTH (William). (Appendix. J Soc RDSclORTH (Jonathan). Bicentnary Wordsworth studios in memory of John Alban Finch. [By various authors .J Silted by J.’Jord.sworbh • Assistant editor, B.Darlington. Ithaca, N.Y., and london, 1970.

    Card ID: 311

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. [III.] Unjversiy of London. Univeraity College. Dçpartment of Geography. Occasional papers. [Continued.] ., ,- 18. ENGLAND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Dpartment of the Environment. A Study of public transport in I(orth Norfolk. [By] M.D. Clout,G.E. Hollis [and] R.3.C. Hunton. 197:5. 19. HUGGEPT (Richard” John). The Theor calbehaviour of ‘‘ Lt materi-aELwithin soil landscap systems. 1973. F’i’C 4’ 20. FRENKEL (Robert E.) and HARRISON (Carolyn Mary). “ Comparison of thtditnal phytosociological and numerical classificatory methods and their uees in ecology. 1973. 21 • CARTER (Fracie William). Post-war functional and structural changet within the Sofia conurbation. 1973. [SEE N’Efl CARD.]

    Card ID: 213