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ORSPI Jacobus Philippus (1)



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    Author: ORSPI (Jacobus Philippus)


    CC’T - ?ORSPI (Jacobus Philippus), Sergornenats. [Supp1euientu chronicarum.) [CONi’INUO):— mundi. exordio usq3 ad redemptionis nostrae annum (CCCOCX. editum. t nou,issime recognitu...a... Jacobo Pnilippo Berorj!ate...Addit1s per eüdem auctor q3pIUribus...additionibus, etc. ff.(9) + 335. Ifoocut8. [L.I.J fol. cnLce:GeorgLus de Ruaco,ztbus, 1513. Cloot,- Vol. III,;p.1?7—1?9. oolte wanting the last leevea oC the-index. A vcrion oC the soove, rittn and brought dc.n to the year 15S. this is a copy ct’ the edition ot’ 1508 isueI by the aa printer. Centaina 93 woodout.s, mostly illustrations of various cities,borders round the titlepagc and the firat page, and the rinters .ark at the •nd.

    Card ID: 477