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OROSIUS Paulus a:i paulus|k:i (paulus) (5)
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Author: OROSIUS (Paulus)
3 OROSIUS (Paulus). Historiarun aiversos paganos Hart V1I.CDONTINURDJ:- History, the first to efpe4r .dtb Iwtc hE#ar. ocen iscuad in June 1491 et Augsburg by Johsnn Schiiasler, and another, published in Vicensa without date cy Hermaca Lichtcnstoin, saS probsbly çrinted in 14’75 or 149. Achates reprinted in his edition the colophon verses which occur at the enS of the latter, substituting in thee nis nate for tnat of Lichtenstein. nainopinger fj2lQO; Proctor 71V5; Panzer, Ill. p 4o—41, ;lo.e7ie; Lrunet t’th ention) Vol.4, co1.c.
Card ID: 319
‘NtL OROSIUS (Paulus). Pauli Orosii Historiarum adversum paganos libri. VII. Ex recognitione C.Zangeinelster. pp. x.xi. ÷ 371. 8°. Leipzg, 1889. Part of the “Bibliotheca scritorum Graecorum et Romano,zum Teubneriana”.
Card ID: 322
- Qi OROSIUS (Paulus). A Literal nclish t,ransltion of King Alfred’s Aiglo—Saxon version of the compendious history of the world of Orosius. Qontainin facsimile specimens of the Lauderdale and (Jot,ton MSS., an introduction on Orosius and his work, notes... r. Hazzpson’s essay on King Alfred’s geography, and a map of Europe, Asia, and Africa, according to Orosius and Alfred. J. Boswortli. pp. 198 + 63. CL.!.] 8°. ndo, 1855.
Card ID: 325
OROSIUS (Paulus). King Alfredts Orosius. London, 1883. See LONDON. [III. Mieceilaneous Institutions, — Sooieties,etc.) I’ar1y’ Eng1sh Text SOCiç. IPublications.) Orig±nal Series. 9.
Card ID: 326
cc OROSIUS (Paulus). See BATELY (Janet Margaret) and ROSS (David Jobxi Atbole). A Check list of manuscripts of Orosius Historiarum adversum paanos libri septem. CBrussels, 1961).
Card ID: 328