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ORIPPS Wilfred Joseph a:c joseph|k:c(c) (2)
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ORIPPS, Wilfred Joseph
Author: ORIPPS (Wilfred Joseph)
Cri ORIPPS (Wilfred Joseph). [Old Eiglish plate.] The I’late collector’s guide0 Arranged from Crippe’s ttJ English plateH by P.Macquoid, etc0 pp. xi. + 199. Plates, illustrations table. 8°. london, 1908.
Card ID: 98
REPOSiTORY ORIPPS (Wilfred Joseph). Old French plate, with tables of tiie Paris date—letters aad fa,c—similes of other marks. A handbook for the .coflector...With illustrations. pp. vii. +3)4,to1,[L.I.J 8. Lon.on, 1880. YG —(Third edition.)Old French plate: its makers and marks, pp. x. + 115. IlhsttSo.s and tables. 8°. London, 1920.
Card ID: 99