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ORE Sir Richard ore (sir richard) (2)
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ORE, Sir Richard
STEELE, Sir Richard
Author: ORE (Sir Richard)
f YJC B6170 BLACIQ4ORE (Sir Richard). Prince Arthur. 1695. [A facsimile reprint.] pp. (22), 296. Scaler Press: l4enston, 1971.
Card ID: 450
Author: STEELE (Sir Richard)
L -J STEELE (Sir Richard), [Two or ore ?lorks.J The Lying lover [sic]; the Funeral; and. the Tender husb: comedies written by jr. Steele. pp. (10), 80, (24), 160, (2). 12 . London, 1712. The first play in the volume, ‘The Lying Lovers’, is separately pa,inated andis of the second edition. In addition to the general title-page, each play has a separate title—page. There is one leaf of publisher’s advertisements at the front of the volume and, two between the first two plays.
Card ID: 518