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ORE Oystein a:e |k:on (e) (3)
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ORE, Oystein
Author: ORE (Oystein)
1 ORE (Oystein). Cardano, the gambling scholar...With a translation from the Latin of Cardanots flook on games of chance, by SH. Gould [and a bibliography]. pp. xiv. ÷ 249. Portraits, jates, facsimiles, illustrations and tables. 0 8 . Princeton, 195).
Card ID: 425
s (17 1”\ e ORE (Oystein).. Les Corps alg4brlques et l.a th4orie des Idaux. [With a bibliography.) pp. 71. Paris, 1934. MORIAL DES SCIENCES ThEMAIQUES. )&émorial des sciences mathéinatiques, etc No. 64.
Card ID: 426
AN& ORE (Oystein). Niels Renrik Abel: mathematician extraordinary. [With a bibliography.] pp. (8) + 277. Portraits, plates arid facsimi1. 8°. Minneapo1i, 1957.
Card ID: 427