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OORE, Thomas
OORE, Thomas Sturge
STOKES, Oore Thomas
Author: OORE (Thomas)
STE!L1HG LiRAR’( atcE ONLY 1OORE (Thomas), the Po. The Poetical works of Thomas Moore. Complete in one volumo. xliv. + 571. Portrait. 8°. London, 1856. s.1.c.. r. 64.
Card ID: 447
iix)Bc, 1iOORE (Thomas), the Poet. The Poetical works of Thomas Moore. Reprinted. from the early editions, with explanatory notes, etc. (Cabinet Poets.) pp. xiv. + 675. 8 . London: and e4 -Yórk’[cL89
Card ID: 450
N77 1OORE (Thomas), the Pqet. The Fudge family in Paris Edited by Thoas Brown the Younger, . Lozdon, -i8i8. BRO’.VN (T.), the Younier, pseud. [i.e. T. ?!OORE.J
Card ID: 459
Pq(Thomas), the Poet. Lalla Hooich: an oriental romance, . See PABBURY (Florence). The era1d set with pearls: being reminiscences of.. .Kashrnir. .. .Also, Thomas Ltoore’s “Lafla Rookh”, flg. pp. 79—218. London, [19091.
Card ID: 467
Author: OORE (Thomas Sturge)
STERLING LIBRARY L1 - — REFERENCE ONLY 1OORE (Thomas Sturge). The Centaur’s booty-. pp. xxxiv. + (2). 8°. London, 19O. ma case 1ettd:,Poems, etc. [Another copy.] Bound in a volume lettered: Poems by T. Sturge Moore.
Card ID: 495
Author: STOKES (Oore Thomas)
STOKES (Oore Thomas). The Acts of the Apos?1es. (The xibsitor’s edited by tT. R. ico1l.) 2o1s. 8° Lond, 1’391 —96. V1. 2_Is o the 3econd editLon.
Card ID: 223