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OOD Thomas a:p •|k:p (will) (4)



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    Author: OOD (Thomas)


    yr H ‘63 HEYV?OOD (Thomas), Dramatist. The Payre maycte of the Exchange, with the pleasaunt humours of the Cripple of Panchurch. Very delectable and full of rLirth4 [A reprint of the edition of 1607.) (Prepared by P.H.Davison and A.Brown.) (Malone Society Rprints.) pp. ix. + (80). Facsimiles. 4°. [Oxford printed, 1963.] [Another copy.] 3 iL

    Card ID: 667

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    Author: OOD (Thomas)


    BEYV[OOD (Thomas), Dramatist. The o1den and 8ilver ages...Wth an introduction and. notes by J. P. Collier. London, 1851. LONDOL [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies etc.] Shakespeare Soóiety. [Publications. No.46i

    Card ID: 672

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    Author: OOD (Thomas)


    EYV1OOD (Thomas), Dramatist. (Kir1 Edward IV.] The First and. second. parts of Kin8 Edward IV. Histories by T. Heywood,..With an introduction and notes by B. Field. London, 1842. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Shakespeare Society. [Publioations. No.].3.J

    Card ID: 679

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    Author: IEYV(OOD (Thomas)


    ?\LcL c fIEYV(OOD (Thomas), Dramatist. WHIBLEY (C.) The Tud.or Translations. Second series. Ed.ited by C. Whibley. Vol. 1. SAIALUSTIUS CRISPUS (a.) SaflTlst. The Conspiracy of Catiline and the War of Jgiirtha. Translated into English by T. Heywood, anno 1608, etc. 1ondon a*d New York, 1924.

    Card ID: 718