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ONSARD Pierre de a:is pierre|k:0234 (2)
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ONSARD, Pierre de
Author: ONSARD (Pierre de)
XTL R75Y 973 1ONSARD (Pierre de). [Selections.) Inmorteiles ainours. [A study of Ronsard and the Loire country vith a selection of his poems, Edited by (Marc Va1e). pp.332. IU.ue. Paris, [1973). Cover title: ‘Pjerre de 1onsard et sea muses et infipiratricea. Lea Imaiortelles amours.
Card ID: 154
ONSARD (Pierre de). REVUE MUSICALE. La Revue musicale. (Niro sptcial...1er mai 1924. Ronsa.rd et la musique.) • LRee. r’L •.C.C’ Paris, 1924.
Card ID: 186