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ON n a:p ‘1 |k:p (will) (1283)
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ON, n
N, Mag?n’iis
N, Louise
N, aieigh
N, Antonio
N, Lucy
N, Hannes
N, Peggy
N, Mud
N, William
N, John
N, Ancireas
N, Raymond
N, jorie
N, Iiuis
N, Luis
N, Daphne
N, Jane
N, Michael
N, Francis
N, Nathaniel
N, Hans
N, Werner
N, Alexander
N, Edmond
N, Henri
N, ienry
N, Amy
N, Fernande
N, Stephen
N, Clarence
N, Julius
N, Irervt
N, Brendan
N, Gottfried
N, Sten
N, Theodore
N, Mikls
N, Arthur
N, Arjers
N, Fred
N, Bartoloneo
N, Eduard
N, Max
N, Louis
N, Pierre
N, Thomas
N, Thoirs
N, Hermaxn
N, Hermann
N, Iermarin
N, Catherine
N, jL
N, Brdan
N, Tohn
N, rohi
N, Richard
N, Fritz
N, Jacques
N(, Giordano
N, Josua
N, Gilbert
N, Hadumod
N, Walter
N, Eduardo
N, Albert
N, James
N, Edward
N, Grace
N, Pascual
N, rc
N, Rend
N, Jesus
N, Maurice
N, Diego
N, Paul
N, Brian
N, Ivan
N, ifayden
N, Egon
N, Herbert
N, George
N, george
N, Aierto
N, Madeleine
N, Clement
N, Rushton
N, Philip
N, Roger
N, Frank
N, Mandell
N, Elliott
N, Helifried
N, Otto
N, Botha
N, dniond
N, Augustus
N, Waldemar
N, Charles
N, Bernhard
N, ’
N, Israel
N, Ferdinand
N, Douglas
N, Oliver
N, Wilhelm
N, mie
N, Kurt
N, waiter
N, woija
N, Adolf
N, Clayton
N, Pedro
N, Leandro
N, Francisco
N, vai
N, Norbert
N, Gustav
N, yona
N, Georges
N, Arnould
N, Julio
N, Adolfo
N, Elizabeth
N, Eugenio
N, Gunther
N, Lawrence
N, Jean
N, Zeev
N, kigela
N, Lui
N, Henry
N, iton
N, Martin
N, Hubert
N, Kenneth
N, Klaus
N, Bartholomew
N, dif
N, Karl
N, Jack
N, Jorge
N, Ricardo
N, Germxi
N, Gotthold
N, Alien
N, Gustavo
N, Stephenj
N, EP -
N, Brunhilde
N, Ferdinaxirl
N, Trugott
N, Susan
N, Janet
N, Heinz
N, Adalbert
N, Henriette
N, €G
N, Jew
N, Iiuriee
N, urice
N, Wifred
N, Eugbne
N, Gerhart
N, Elisebeth
N, Victor
N, Siegmund
N, louis
N, Sybil
N, Carl
N, Lion
N, Peter
N, anu-Dhu
N, Asher
N, Dietrich
N, Løuis
N, Jezmie
N, Robert
N, Renate
N, Ernst
N, Daniel
N, igisniun
N, Lurerice
N, Laurence
N, Rower
N, Sialey
N, Lynton
N, Rolt
N, artn
N, Bertil
N, Jokin
N, ::Lu
N, Peare
N, Chares
N, EciwaM
N, Dazniéii
N, Lev
N, Ot,to
N, Rcznin
N, Friecrich
N, Geoefrey
N, aartin
N, samuea
N, sanuol
N, Wendell
N, Ben
N, Ruth
N, Ltvid
N, Bjrn
N, Nico
N, LouIs
N, Rudolf
N, Friedrich
N, Edrnu
N, Volkrnar
N, Julie
N, Sro
N, Eeinz
N, Sibyll
N, Feodor
N, Joseph
N, irich
N, Lionel
N, Miriam
N, Leo
N, Frin
N, Norman
N, Normaxi
N, Nargarete
N, Pius
N, Aiwin
N, Gerbarci
N, Lupirio
N, Lancelot,
N, Erwin
N, Siegfried
N, Join
N, ivery
N, Anthony
N, Ala
N, Stanley
N, Franz
N, Guy
N, ceiiiah
N, Rafael
N, Joachiin
N, Joim
N, Dora
N, Over
N, rnet
N, I
N, Eugh
N, Bryan
N, Archibald
N, Stewart
N, Palooner
N, Heinrich
N, Thonas
N, rjg
N, mo
N, sylvaine
N, Gregorio
N, Grogorio
N, Gregorlo
N, cregorlo
N, Serif
N, Auguste
N, Robcrt
N, Gennn
N, Ma
N, Flora
N, Ihigh
N, Arnaul
N, Guirun
N, Everett
N, x
N, Truman
N, Christopher
N, JohX
N, Jose
N, Joo
N, Aaron
N, Louie
N, ians
N, Waiter
N, Brigitte
N, Arnold
N, Bernard
N, Isaac
N, Herman
N, Arars
N, Svend
N, uunnar
N, José
N, Gerard
N, Donal
N, Vincent
N, Wilfred
N, Loys
N, CoinTrouhton
N, WiUiarn
N, Juzrn
N, Joannes
N, HenrI
N, Lon
N, David
N, /:?: i
N, Josef
N, Altredo
N, rkki
N, Alois
N, Guenter
N, :einrioh
N, Othon
N, Lucinne
N, Felix
N, Fraacisco
N, Corrie
N, V
N, Desniond
N, Evald
N, charles
N, Ludwig
N, Joost
N, Elisabeth
N, Irich
N, largarete
N, plus
RN, n
N, Nikolai
N, Eflen
N, CoUn
N, Kendrick
N, Suzanne
N, i
N, Jacob
N, Dirk
N, EdithMendel
N, Ephraini
N, Gustaf
N, Hernnn
N, Herinaun
N, Bela
N, Jennifer
N, Alfred
N, Newton
N, Thorsteinn
N, Howard
N, Lilian
N, Hannah
N, Doris
N, öaten
N, enr
N, Martinufi
N, Pall
N, Wraaicjs
N, Columbia
N, coLImlBIA
N, coLuwI A
N, Cnarles
N, Bennet
N, Diedrich
N, ReginrL
N, Walt
N, Friederike
N, Ulrict
N, Mrguerite
N, Audrey
N, MAssAcnusErrs
N, Theodor
N, Lucwni
N, Erno
N, rtoom
N, Franciscus
N, Bonedict
N, ?ranoi
LOISY, Alfred Fir!n±n
N, Frans van
N, Pedro Antonio de
N, Herbert Warner
N, John Romilly
N, Luther Clare
N, Wayne Vesti
N, John Augustus
N, Peter Frederick
N, alncLue Padills
N, James Richard
N, Frjedrjch Vjjhc Adolf
BAIRD, Heziry Marty-n
N, MiIthail Aeandrovich
N, Jarne s Mark
BARBADILLO, Joaqu{n Lopz
BARING, Evei’n
WARD, Robert N’ Cowan
N, WiUiem Eleazer
N, Isabel Einilie
N, RicharcJ Ernest
N, Roif and PAULY, Peter
ALS, plorenclo mira’n
BLADES, Vlilhian
N, Milledge Lis
N, Moritz Julius
N, Edmund Perpoint
N, Lester Kruger
BOTHA, Coli,n Graham
N, Aberdeen Orlando
BOWEN, Howard Rothrnan n
N, Frank Paul
N, Jo Ann
N, Featrice Sandberg-
N, Ciares Marie Gabriel
N, Adelyn DoIae
N, Clarence Crane
N, ilbort Ernest
N, Ivor John Carnegie
N, James Alan Calvert
N, James Duff
N, James ttiff
N, Jas Wood
N, Lawrence Guy
N, Leslie and AlADCt(, Dean
N, Martha Montgomery
N, Milton Wolf
N, Peter Hume
N, Ronald Stewart—
N, onad Stet,art_
N, W • Taib ot
N, Sir Walter Langdon—
N, William James
N, Anton Prederik
N, William paton
N, Cohn Ogilvie
N, Rudolf Karl
N, Sir Joseph
N, Joaquin G&iez
N, George Gordon Noel
N, Antonio de
N, Hernazido de
N, Sir John
N, Eduaxt Caballero
N, Evaristc Correa
N, Francisco GarcIa
N, Mirta odrguez
N, Eugenio Cuello
N, Hector Aguiier
CAHQ, Csar Martn
N, Arturo Morales
N, Eduardo Benet y
N, Frank Miller
N, iobert WIim
N, Roland E
N, Gaspart de
N, Philip Bouhton
N, Gilbert Keith
N, ildred Gayler
N, Hans Oscar
N, Walter hteLennan
N, j Williani
N, Lotus Delta
N, Herbert Henery
PR, N - Heidelberger
N, ’IIles LanLer
COSTA, Joaqun
TINEZ, Jo&iun
Z, Joaçu{n
CRUCHAGA, Juan Guzzna’n
N, William Patton
N, Ian ceorge
N, John Towne
N, Frederick Joseph Harvey
N, Gustav Adolf
GRUZ, Wient{n
DELGADO, !art{n Joriia
N, Esther Boise van
N, Dominique Vivnt
N, Victor Gerard
DRAKE, Stil]n
GRAFIGNY, n’ançoise de
N, Peter Martin
N, Jacob piatt
DUMN, Agustn
WRJN, Agustn
N, John Aitnow
N, Derii s I an
EGARAY, Eduardo BaThn
N, Johann Gottrried
N, Richard David
N, Sir Arthur Hallam
N, Audrey Mary
N, DorotIy Hughes
N, Rudolf Christoth
N, Rudolf Obristoph
N, Lvid wkey
N, Andrew Martin
N, Andrew kartin
FALLS, Cyril Bentha!n
FAEAS, Vaientn Gez
N, Carrie Evangel me
N, Henry Ronijily
N, Jean Pranois
N, ilhiam ]eid
NA, Benjam{n
N, Richard J,
N, Ernst Wilhelm
N, Joannes you
N, AfredLouis Auguste
N, Edward Augustus
AN, Michael vid A&n
N, peter-Reinhard
N( Georg Carl
N, Georg Carl
N, Jcx Maria
N, Christophe de
N, tiiiiaiu Lloyd
N, Hugh Frederic
N, Gti fc:
N, Fredrifl Hutton
PIIO, Hpito n Josh
N, Deiphine de
N, Francisco Hern&idez
N, John Herschel
PR, N-Heidelberger
N, Barbara !Tiocaevna
N, Roger de
N(cvilliwn John
GORM(’N, Herbert Sherman
GOSSE, Edmuxd Wiii!n
N, Ernst Augast Wilhelm
AM, Wiia’n
N, Johann PhUipp
N, Alice Stopford
N, Aio Stopford
N, John Alber’t
N, Robert Anthony Mills
N, PraJk I,, oxley
GROB, Jcher:n
N, Elizabeth Welt
N, Cudine Alexandrine
N, Eugne d
N, Gilberto Thienzalida
N, Denis Rolleston
N, Stephen Lucius
N, stephen Lucius
N, David Bieren de
N, Beatrice Liberty
N, Philip Gilbert
HARDING, Jo!n Philip
HAIT, Cyril Fiw!n
N, Ja cob Wittmer
N, Ger hart
N, C-erhart
N, Fraxiz Josef
OBNE, Jokn Greenfield
N, Eberhard and wouwiarnr, !Sthe
AND, wjuja(n Ezaerton
N, Eduard von der
N, Thons Rice
N, John Bell
N, Friedrich Jakob
N, Johann Gottfried Jacob
N, Hans Peter
N, Howard Everest
N, Joseph Burton
N, Donald Benwick
N, Charles Edward
N, John Crawford
N, Jobann Christian Friedrich
N, Johann Christian Friedrich
N, Frederick Ludwig
N, Frederici Ludwig
N, Paul Gray
N, August Heinrich
N, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm
N, Gotthard Werner
N, Richard Beer—
HOLGADO, Benjasnn Garcf a
N, Joseph George
N, Hans Egon
N, Heinrich Juiiue
IIOPF, n*rry Arthur
HORCH, n’anz
N, Thomas Hartwell
N, Ernest tian
N, La mur
N, John Camden
N, Alfred Eiward
HUANG, Shuan_n
N, flen Louis
N, Sir Jn:es
N, Wilian Jains
N, Albrecht von
N, Janus Gerardus
N, ‘ihocuas Lloyd
N, Cintor Cooley
N, Renrious de
N, Archer Milton
N, Helga Spevack—
N, R,iph £rnet
N, Al exnd riden
N, Arthur stuart !enteth
N, Ulrich von
N, Henry Dix
N, John Henry
N, Richard Bolt
NS, Christi’n
N, Joris Carl
N, Arthur Dond
N, Jos Miguci
N, iiian Ferguson
N, Belford Darreil
N, Michael John
N, Chritin Cornelius
N, tn Martin Harald
JRROLD, Douglas Willia!n
N, Jesus carca
N, Juan Rw&n
N, Juan Ramn
N, Juan arA
N, Juan Ramdn
N, Arthur Henry
N, !k”dn
N, Emory Richard
N, George William
JDHNSON, n ichard
N, Sem”l
N, wiiim Aexander
JONFS, n Burne
N, Ricardo Ipez
N, Paul Alfred
N, Paul furred
N, George cTurnan
N, Louis Isidore
N, Hoo Myr
N, Helen Andrews
PR, N — Heidelberg
N, Gioe EdvaM
N, Abdul ?ajed
N, Reginald Hugh
N, Re inz
N, William Henry Giles
N, Oeone WI ilian
N, Beren Jan
N, Petr Aecyeevich
N, Alvin Boyd
N, Karl Georg
N, Aleksaudr Ivarioyich
CRODC, i*n
N, Georg Peter Wolfgang
N, Nug von
LAPEDS, Daniel N
N, Gerardo Garcia Huidobro
LABRAZABAL, Roberto padr(n
N, Louis de
LAV(N, Brian
N, Johann Heinrich
N, Alexandre Auguste
LEERS, Johar,n von
N, Karl Hermann Oskar
N, Paul Joachirn Georg
N, Paul Joachim Georg
AN, Willia:n Boog
TILIOUX, Adrian n’ançois
N, Vladimir Il’ich
N, Afriano Gonzglez
N, Antonio Ybot
N, Juan Ponce do
N, Luas Ponce de
N, LuiE Ponce cle
N, Luis Ponce de
N, Mra Teresa
N, Francisco Ferrer
GOURE(N, Andre
N, i’bzc
N, Kana-Gerhai’d
LINDEMAI(N, Johann Priedrieb
N, Oer von
LOFTI, Wiia’n John
N, Charles Jeites
LULL, Rsmn
N, George Frank
N, Philip Justin
T, William n
N, Arcbbaad William
N, James &Nab
N, Arthur WiLliam James
N, Duncan Axander
N, George Ian ?notn
N, JaLnes Stewart
N, Ioderick Scott
N, Sir George Fletcher
TAGGART, &n cTagart Ellia
N, Richera Robert
N, robert Edwin Witton
N, Laura Elena
N, Margaret Mary
Z, Joqu(n
N, wiilian Miles
N, Wendelin von
N, Klaus Heinrich Thomas
N, ichac Thomas
IAANN, William ‘N
N, anile Philippe Thoby-
MARCO, Joaqun
N, David Saie
N, Francisco Rodriguez
N, Jaime Ocampo
N, lads tzfcoz
N, Alan zuna
N, Jose Manuel
N, Arthur Wesley
N, Charles Trice
N, George Willard
N, Hazis Leo
N, ilelera Faucit
N, Henry,Mare Radegonde
N, John Barow
N, j Thomas Byam
N, Franois Sydney
N, William Theophilus Rogers
YEOS, Julin
AWER, Le n
MAYEJR, Je?n-rie
N, Robert Joseph Gardner
N, Norman Joseph Line
N, Alemnder Kenneth ckenEie
N, Adali Isaac a
N, Tte Elizabeth
CARL, Agust(n
N, Ernest Kenneth
N, Henry Hart
N, Sir George Francis
MINGAD, ‘N’ alter Vere
N, jesus !‘krt{nei
N, Antonio Sanchez
N, Karl Theodor Engelbert
N, Ared Moritz
NOKHOUSE, Allan N,ble
N, nue vsuez
AGOL, Guilhe’n
CABAA, Agustn
N, Lewis Henry
N, Ger!aain
N, Henry Vollam
N, John Fletcher
MUELA, Joaqun González
N, cres Kirkpatrick
N, John Arhnthnot
NASH, John N’othcote
N, Hexs—Peter
NEILSON, wiliu Ai’n
N, njamin Natbaniei
EL, Joacl±n
N, Co atiout
N, Francis William
N, Keith Otto
N, John Aidwell
N, Niels Christian
N(±, Jean Belleniin-
N, obn- Bruce
N(JCE, Thomas
N, luis GonzLlez
N, Julius Emil
N, Henri Auguste
N(S, Federico de
N, Wiian Alexander
N, Louis John
N, Sybil Gertrude
N, Cyril Northcote
N, Antoine Claude
N, David Graham
N, Egon Sharpe
N, William Harwood
N, Sir iVilliam
MAN, pieter Wille!n
N, Adolf Stender-
N, Jacinto Octavio
N, charles w
PILLAI, N Kunjsn
N, Hermes Tovar
N, Liartin Alonso
N, Christine de
N, Josoph Otto
N, Ra,mond
N, Earriet waters
PROUDM(N, Joseph
N, Pichard PoppIewell
N, Alekssndr Serreevich
N, David Beers
N, Join Thii
N, Hans Kartin Reinhold
RAV, Sinx,n
N, Retieio Pirez
N, Mary Mauritia
N, Donald Henry
N, Godofredo Garca
N, Piiip John Sauipey
RICKARD, Roy Lleweiiy-n
IUQUER, !‘krt{n tie
RIQUER, Martn de
RIQUER, Mrt(n de
RIUER, rt{n de
N, Pierre Debray-
N, hit Charles Grant
N, Frederick William
N, Pieter Melle
ROLOJ(N, Alberto Polloni
N, John Davy
N, sydney wayne
PRADO, Victor N
ROOD, Ogien N
N, erker Ingmar
N, a P I ,
N, Anton Grigor’evich
N, Harold Frederiolc
N, Claude Eenri de
SALMU, faoo_’n Charles
N, Louis Francis
N, Francisco Javier
SANTACILIA, Carlos Obregcn
SARMAN, y-&n Ohar&ia
N, Carl Adolf von
N, Howard and HkTCrT, Shirley
N, Robert Alexander
N, Niels Elink
SCOTT, n von Eoon
N, ilemendra PCuinar
N, sir Bruce Gordon
E, Wilhia!n
N, Wiil jam Wayne
N, James Vincent
N, ntje Kaars
N, a-i - ith
N, Angela Gonzalez
N, Bernard Plucbart-
N, Gerald Bernard
N, Jean Robert
N, Pierre-Henri
N, Roger David
N, Urili Ernst
N, Vagn Luridgaard
N, Ruth DeEtte
N, rjjam Wynn
AXA, Anton{n
N, Horace Pift ennedy
SLART, Willia!n
N, Aleksandr Filippovich
N, AleksancW Lsaevich
N, Hi eronymus
N, Marion Harry
N, Friecirich August Wilhelm
N, Aletba Huston
N, Wolfram von den
N, George Mcom
N, Aioi s
N, Raymond Henry
STURZ, FriedrichWilhel!n
SUAREZ, Ju&a Lech{n
IJX, Denjamn Vicuia
NTER, oriol n-
N, Heziry Savage
N, frank Arthur
N, Newton Booth
N, Luis Rey Ocho
N, Lewis Madison
OMAS, Caiv!n
N, Andrew ward Courtney
N, Helen Bradford
N, Silvua Phillips
N, Thomas Perronet
N, Elizabeth McClure
N, Robert Wili jam
N, John Barrie
THORPE, n,jamin
N, Ju-ksng
N, Hubert flessell
N, Timothy Alan
N, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm
N, Friedrich Wilhebn
N, William Gregory Sidney
N, Lucia Sala de
N, Henry Theodore
N, George William do
N, Johan August
N(B Osten
N, Anthoiy Frederick
R, n Mari dcl
N, Ekosctw cL’
N, Paul Iatthew
N, Carl Clinton
N, Cristobal de
N, j Sylvanus Percival
N, Frank William
N, Arthur George
N, iate iary
N, William Fairfield
N, oker Taliaferro
N, !nz’y Sp-un
N, John Selby
N, Guy ichard
HENRICR, n iaEbeth Charlotte
N, Otto von
VERVEKE, Hans v n
N, Elias Gustf Adolf
N, Edith tewbod
N, Erik Gunnar
N, George Stephen
N, Hugh Ross
N, James Alexander
N, Yary Celeste
N, John Harold
N, Richard Middlewood
WIMDHAM, • n Wiiun
WTH, Jessica n
N, Ernst ludwig von
N, ]Aary Anne Sverett
E, Wynk’n de
N, Walter Peroy
N, Sir Henry
WYLLIE, Peter Jc*n
N, William Henry
XIRAU, Ramrn
N, Albert Josef
I(N, Eliosa Alema’n See AIfl AIflN, Sliosa
ATKINS, Sir tvor Algortv,n
N, Rend Franois Nicolas Marie
BEDFORD, Willia,n Kirkpatrick fliland
N, Otto iuard Leopold von
N, Otto Eduard Leopold von
N, Bernhard ten and SCEERER, Wilhelm
BROV(N, Ivor John Carnegie
KILLOCK, Freaerick Willia-’n Bagshawe
CHAUTARD, Jüers Maria Augtst±n
N, anois afterwards PALGRVE, iranois
CONDAMIN, James Te,n Pierre
N, Thcmas Lin cisay Cameron
WRE, tlcie n Paul Vict
N, Thomas VL am Francis
N, John Stanley and AUGH, Peggy
N, Jules Louis and EDtdOHT, Edmond
GREIN, Christian YiThe’n lLichael
N, Hans Jacob Chrjstoffel von
N, Hans Jioob Christoffel von
HAMILTON, Sir William Rov,n
RAZERA, Lydia de Len
IERBART, Jo}u’n Friedrioh
HITCHCOCK, Franois Rya,n MOntgomery
GNN, Ernst Thooicr WiTheL’n
FORD, Ford flerrnBrn dox
RD, Ford Heiuw’n Maix
JOMJ, Cyril Edwl-n itchinson
JOHNSON, CatJv rin odh!n
N, Sir Aibrt Ernoc’!t
N, bernard Germain tienne tie
N, Carl Conrad Friedrich Wilhelm
N, Bernard Gernain &ienne dc
TZ, Gotried ?he!n von
LUBBOCK, Sir John Willia!n
CAS, JoacLu{n Benito de
N, Sft Arnold ifenry Moore
NEZ, oaqun Liaverfas y
N, Juan Antonio Ortega y
MRSCH(n Adr van der
E, Joaqu{n Romero y
NIBBIANO, Agustn de Azara
N, Stephen and SYLGE, John,Lighton
N, Con Home O’Connell
N, Sydney, afterwards MORGAN, Sydney
N, Franz Ludwig Carl Friedrich
N, Jos arfa Morelos y
N, zara Eatela Martinez de
RAUERS, Johann Friedrich WIlhen
N, Carl Wilhelm Julius Hugo
ROCA, josS latin iecn
N, !itienne Jules Adoiphe Dexmierde
JSA, Fermn Peraza y
N, Rirht Richurd BrirLey Butler
WSON, Wiliio’n John Rithie
N, Iobert L,ouis Bafcxii
TRIER, Jost and GRJNDMA’N, Herbert
ER, J otm ‘N ood
N, Diedrich and BRYAN, Margaret ArDlinel
ZELTEB, Carl Fri edrio’n
ZHITOVA, Varvara N’ikolaevna Bogdanovich
N, Elliott Zbrton and SMITH, rian Sutton-
RYRIA, Simn tdeo Ortiz dc
N, John Russell and HARRIS, Bernard Aloysius
N, Roy Walter and H(RRION, Carolyn Mary
N, niie arid CHATRIAfl, Pierre Aexanre
FERRER, t rt{n Iis Guzn
N, Louis Nicolas Plülippe Auguste de
N, osge Earle and SALVIN, Francis Henry
GB, John arid N ICHOIS, Dudley
GAY, Edwin Fr n ci s
N, Louis, Professor in the University of Bordeaux and SAGNAC, Philippe
N, Errist Te odor Wi The Im
N, Guadalupe Monroy ;:•“ NROY mIITRcN, aupiupe
ON, wiim Herding and N!JKIRK, Louis Vezt
KEIP, Jeme s rmen and RBEDEMA!’N, ido if
N, Eduardo Ueras us LFX±t, abiardo
NEIR, Waldo Forest and GRE(FIELD, Then N
RN, istirtin ard FRISN, Rune
CARLO, Agust{n and MANTECON, Jos& ]gnacio
RTON, Andrew Queen and McLEM(N, James
YEW, f’hjlip ‘rri N’s
N(LMW, David Hale and LEIGfION, Henry
SEN, Ole Barndorff-, RARNDORn’-n ThLsE, Ole
ODELL, Peter Ran&,n and ROBING, Kenneth Frl
N, James Riddiok and ST-tELLING, William George
PHILLIPS, James Emerson and ALL, D,n cameron
PR, N - Imperia ROTH, Klaus Friedrich
SEBPSTIJ(N, Jose lipcz de
SV(N, Marshall Wilbur St ephen
N, Pierre de la Vergne de
N, James and BLAND’ORD, Francis George
N, Leslie Hush and WOMFSLEY, John Lewis
WROTH, i once Counse]n
ARGENSON, Marc Antoine Pe’n de Voyer d’
FIGTJEROA, Fernando piwonka See PflKNXA FIGUEROA, nrnanao
N, Thomas flrutiby acid TOBE!TSON, James exander
LAZCANO, Martn Victoriano See LASCANO, rtfn Victoriano
MILES, Gertrude Even and DIX, fteris WADEJY, Dorothy Knight
NITSOBE, Robert Lehmami— See LEIflA!N-NITSCHE, Robert
ER, Harold Eduard end ED{N, Sir Herbert vere
Author: N ( )
-MAI$oN ( ). See OTIGTh (François) csiled BRULE..MAISON.
Card ID: 397
Author: ON (n)
“1’— JON3ON (n)1 [two or. More Masques and eitertainent.Edite by I1.4criey. (T.ii. Ca sbrooke Librgy, 9.) p. 39. 8°. Lonion, iF9O. [Another copy.J H.P.L.J R?L. LG’:
Card ID: 211
JOUBtN ( ). Mêmojresur iesfacteurs•numriques. pp. (4) + 20. [De IA.] 40 jjRe 1831.
Card ID: 325
Author: N( )
N( )Yk. (i ROUSSEAU (Jean—acQues). See TIERSOT (S.) 3.—S. Rousseau. . . Deuxièrne edition, revue. Paris, 1920.
Card ID: 537
Author: N (Mag?n’iis)
XYDY Pet p’ruRssoN (Mag?n’iis).. Les Articulations d.e 1. islandais . Ia lmzire de la radIocinmatographie. (Collection Linguistigue publie par la Société Linguistigue de Paris, 66.) pp.359. Bibi. and diagrs. Paris, 197k.
Card ID: 305
Author: N (Louise)
XTR A16A 971 AEF{N (Louise). Ocuvres de L.Ackermann: I vie) Premires - poe’sies, Posies philosobques. pp. oc, 187. Port. Paris, 1885 Creprinted. Famborou€h, Hanta., 1971).
Card ID: 41
Author: N (aieigh)
pwu 061 Add ADDflGT0N (aieigh). The Idea of the Oratory. pp. ix. ÷ 22i. Bibliography, portraits and. chronological tables. 80. London, 1966.
Card ID: 496
Author: N (Antonio)
Li AGUSTtN (Antonio), suceesslveij Bishop of if.e and of Lerida,and Arclibishop of Tarrana. Dialoghi....intorn.o alle meclaglie, insorittioni & altre antichità. Tradotti di 1ngua spagnuola in italiana da D. 0. Sada, e di nuovo acere— sciuti con diuersi annotationi & illustrati con disegni di molte wedaglie & d’altre figure. pp. (10) + 300 + (30) + £f.6. [s.n.) fol. .Rom, 1625. A reissue of the first edition,j522.
Card ID: 170
Author: N (Lucy)
AllaN (Lucy). See I,AONik1ONT (A.) Notice sur la, vie et lea ouvrages de Lucy Ailcin. LPari5 , 182?).
Card ID: 426
Author: N (Hannes)
ALPViN (Hannes). See BOLOGNA. Societ. Italiana di Fisica. Scuola Internazionale di Fisica. nrico Fermi”. Rendiconti della Scuola Internazionale di Fisica “Enrico Fermi’1, Corso XIII. Direttore: H. Alfv4n, etc. Bolqgna, 1960. A
Card ID: 246
Author: N (Peggy)
LHD1u Au ALlAy (Ruth) and IA1N (Peggy). The Last escape: the launching of the largest secret rescue movement of all time. pp. 518. Plates. London, 1974.
Card ID: 331
Author: N (Mud)
SOKL BIL Ket ALLP1N (Mud). See KtLE (Michael). Salce’ a last veil: the libel case of the century. (laud Allan and JT. Grein versus Noel PenbertonBilling. I St. Albans, 1977.
Card ID: 33