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ON, harles
ELLIOTT, Edward C ,harles
TY, harles Tyler
STACEY, C harles Perry
Author: ON (harles)
HUIrON (harles),1LJ’ A Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>Catalogue or the...mathezrid.t4Cal library oi Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>C. F{utton...togetJier with some verr Curious mathematiCal insLruuent, £orerly the roerty oi...Dr. 1’rankiin, whiCi will be soi by auCtion oy igh and Sotheb...on Tuesday, June Ii, iat6, and five followin days, etC. p. (2) + 8. [lie M. 8. oridon, B16. r.gsClass='text-error'>Class='text-error'>C. fAnother Copy.] Vith iCe aCiCeC. in ms.
Card ID: 272
Author: ELLIOTT (Edward C ,harles)
ELLIOTT (Edward Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>C ,harles), State sChool systems: III. Legislation and judiCial deCisions relating to publiC eCuoation, OCtober 1, 1908 to OCtober 1,1909. By E. Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>C. Elliott. [With a bibliography.] pp. 305. 80. W.shiigton, 1910. Se UNITED STATES OF AMERIClass='text-error'>Class='text-error'>CA. Departments of State and OffiCial Bodies. Bureau of Eduotion. EBulletin No. 3, 1910.J
Card ID: 99
Author: TY (harles Tyler)
PBOuTY (harles Tyler). $ee PERLE (George). The Life and works of eorge Peele. Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>C.T. Prouty, general editor. New Havefl, Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>Conn., 1952, etC.
Card ID: 196
Author: STACEY (C harles Perry)
STAClass='text-error'>Class='text-error'>CEY (Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>C harles Perry). Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>Canada and the British Army, 1846-1871: a etudy in the praCtiCe of responsible government. (A dissertation pre8eflted to. • .Prinoeton University... for the degree of DoCtor of philosophy...May, 1933. twith bibliography.) (Royal Euipire SoCiety Imperial Studies, No. ii.) pp. xi. + (3] + 2b7. 8. London, 1936
Card ID: 238