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ON William Charles a:as paul|k:is (paul) (8)
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PAUL, Charles Kegan
ON, William Charles
REGIEY, Charles William
TILLICH, Paul Johannes Oskar
CODWIN, William
No Author available
Author: PAUL (Charles Kegan)
PAUL (Charles Kegan). William Godwin: his friends and contemporaries... With portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8. London, 1876.
Card ID: 353
Author: ON (William Charles)
PNDG j6j 8143 CO’PrON (William Charles). See JOHN, Chrysostom, - Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. [Homilies. - On parts of the Bible. - Pauline Epistles. — English.] The Homilies of S.John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on the epistles of St • Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thea salonians • translated [by W.C .Cotton, J.Ashworth and J.ieed], with notes and indices. 8. Odord and London, l8L3.
Card ID: 245
Author: REGIEY (Charles William)
Tc’ REGIEY (Charles William) and BRETALL (Robert Walte. The Theology of Paul Tillich. [By various authors.) Edited by C.W.Kegley & R.W.Bx’etall. [With a bibliography of Tillich’s works.] (Th Mbraryof Living Theology, 1.) pp. xiv. + 370. Portrait. 8°. New York, 1952.
Card ID: 217
Author: TILLICH (Paul Johannes Oskar)
TILLICH (Paul Johannes Oskar). See KEGLEY (Charles William) and ERETAIiL - (Robert Walter). The Theology of Paul Tillich. [By various authors.] Edited by C.W.Kegley & 1.W.Ereta11, New York, 192.
Card ID: 258
Author: CODWIN (William)
‘i’M CODWIN (William), the Elder. ftu.. See PAUL (Charles K.) William Godwin: his friends and contemporaries, etc. Londor, 1876.
Card ID: 545
Author: No Author available
Ce. GOSS (Charles William Frederick). Sir Paul Finder and his Eishopsgte rnsneion. LFro the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society’s Transactions.J ;p 38. Plates. 0 8. Cnbrid, 1930.
Card ID: 129
CANADA. Miscellaneous Instjtüionq arid Societies. Canadian Hxstoricai Association. The Canadian Historical. Association booklets. [Continued.] 18. ECCLES (William John). The Government of New tti (cc, France. 1965. V. 19. CORNELL (Paul C.). The Great Coalition, June 1864. 1965. — 20. WFIITELAW (William Mensies). The Quebec Conference. 1966. C 21. BCNIFANT (Jean Charles). The French Canadians and NC the birth of confederation. 1966. [ss NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 65
TORONTO. University of Toronto. Department of English Studies and texts. [Continued.] 1 4. C4p44X coh ‘ir. 6. MacLURE (Millar). The Paul’s Cross sermons, 153,—16)+2. 1958. 7. ROBBINS (William). The Ethical idealism of A7Sc,. Matthew Arnold. 1959. 8. DUNN (Charles vi.) The Foundling and the werwoif: a literary—historical study of ui Guillaume de Palerne. 1960. 9. FISHER (Peter F.) The Valley of vision1 j.i Blake as prophet and revolutionary. 1961. [SEE NEXT CARD. I
Card ID: 140