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ON Thomas Perronet a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (6)



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    Author: ON (Thomas Perronet)


    1 l !2 7 t’’1L LOL(& C THOMPbON (Thomas Perronet). ‘ r Principles and practice of oust intonation. With a view to embodying the results of the Sol—fa associations. As illustrated on the enharmonic organ, presentIng the power of executing in twenty keys... Calculated for taking the j1ace of the choir organ in a cathedral...With an appendix tracing the identity of design with the enharmonic of the ancients. Third edition. With additions and alterations. pp. 119. Plate and diara. [De LI.] 8°. Londop, 1859. [SEE NEXT CABD.1

    Card ID: 420

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    Author: N (Thomas Perronet)


    TflO1PS0N (Thomas Perronet). Theory of parallels. The proof of Euclid’s axiom looked for in the properties of the equiangular spiral. pp. iv. + 20. Liarams. [De M..] 8. London) 1840. —— Second edition. Revised and corrected. pp. iv. + 20. Diagrams. tDe M.J 8. London, 1840. Third edition. Shortened, and freed. from dependence on the theory of limits. pp. i6. [De M.) 8°. London, 140. 1SWNxT CAaD. 1

    Card ID: 422

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    Author: THOMPSON (Thomas Perronet)


    THOMPSON (Thomas Perronet). Theory of parallels, etc. [CONTINUED.] Fourth edition. Shortened, etc. pp. i6. Diagrams. tDe M.) 80. London, 1840. In the third and fourth editions the word “ecuianizu1ar’ in the title is changed to “orotortional’. Holograph letters troui the puhor to Augustus DeMorgan accompany tne rirst arid fourth editions, and an account or the author taken from ttThe Working Man’s Friend” is inserted before the first edition. 2.

    Card ID: 423

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    Author: THOMPSON (Thomas Perronet)


    THOMPSON (Thomas Perronet). The True theory of rent. supra: An Exposition of fallacies on rent.

    Card ID: 424

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    Author: J (Thomas Perronet)


    L_o L -‘- THOIJPSOI’J (Thomas Perronet). See EUCLID. IElements. - E1Ish.] Geoietry without axioms; pr, the First book of Euclid’s Elements, with alterations and fmiiiar notes...By (T.P.Thompson) .. .Fourth edition. London, 1 835. — Fifth edition,. London, 1834.

    Card ID: 426

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    Author: THOMPSON (Thomas Perronet)


    L9 ‘f’kO THOMPSON (Thomas Perronet). -JO See JOHNSON (Leonard G.) General T.Perronet Thompson; i.78—1869: his military, literary and political campaigns. London, 1957.

    Card ID: 427