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ON Thctnas a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (2)
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ON, Thctnas
ITCHSLL, Thctnas Carew
Author: ON (Thctnas)
YG M82a Cia CLAfIbON (Thctnas). The ‘Shakespearean’ addition in ‘The Booke of Sir Thomas Moore’: some aids to scholarly a1d critical Shakespearean studies. (Shaképee Studies , aerie, rj Dubuque, Iowa, 1969.
Card ID: 162
Author: ITCHSLL (Thctnas Carew)
f LJC )4ITCHSLL (Thctnas Carew). See LONDON. (III. I British Museum. Joint coeiitiori of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia. Ur excavations. 7. The Old Babylonian period. r Sir Leonard Woolley and Sir Max MaU.owan. Edited by P.C. Mitchell. London, 1976.
Card ID: 644