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WILKINSON, Sir John Gardner
WILCINSON, Sir John Gardner
ON, Sir John Gardner
SON, Sir John Gardner
Author: WILKINSON (Sir John Gardner)
DEPOsIT1V WILKINSON (Sir John Gardner). Dalmatia and Montenegro, ,vith a joarney to Mostar in Herzegovina, and remarks on the Slavonic nations, the history of Dalmatia and Ragusa, the Uscocs, etc. 2 vols. Plates, illustrations and tables. 0 8 . London, l8L8.
Card ID: 444
Author: WILCINSON (Sir John Gardner)
DEPOSITORy WILCINSON (Sir John Gardner),. The L’anners and, customs of the ancient Egyptians... Illustrated by drawings, etc. 3 vole. (A second series of the Lianners and cu,stoms of the ancient Egyptians. 3 vole.) 6 vols. [L.I.] 50, London, 183’7—41. Lr &;] )u4IJ Second edition [of the fiz4st series. Another copy of the second. series). 6 vole. Plates and illustrations. 8. ‘London, 1842,41. DEPOSITORY A new edition, revised and corrected by 8. Birc 3 ois. 8. London, 1878.
Card ID: 446
Author: ON (Sir John Gardner)
• ‘I WIjKIN$ON (Sir John Gardner). Materia hieroglyphica: containing the Egyptian Pantheon, and the succession of the Pharaohs, fiom the earliest times to the conquest pf Alexander,. and other hieroglyphical subjects. With plates, and notes explanatory of the same. pp. Vi. + 134 + (2) + + 4 + 7. Folded maps. 80. Malta, [privately printed], 1828. Imperfectjanti a second 1830, entitled “A summary view of the early histor of Eg’pt”. This copy was resented. e_autIor to th an of Yarmouth in_129, [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 447
Author: SON (Sir John Gardner)
DEpOSITORY WILKTh’SON (Sir John Gardner). Modern Egypt and. Thebes; betng a description of Eg’pt...With woodouts and a map. 2 vole. [L.I.J 8. London, 1843. Li..1- i.;tj - LAaother Copy,] LD.—L.L.] 1:L. 2-27, Aaother copyj
Card ID: 449
C WILKINSON (Sir John Gardner). Topograpby of Thebes, and general view of Egypt... With remarks on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians and the productions of the country &c. pp. xxxv. ÷ (i) + fiates. 8. London, 183.
Card ID: 453