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ON Sir John Gardner a:is alexander john|k:in (alexander) (1)



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    Author: ON (Sir John Gardner)


    • ‘I WIjKIN$ON (Sir John Gardner). Materia hieroglyphica: containing the Egyptian Pantheon, and the succession of the Pharaohs, fiom the earliest times to the conquest pf Alexander,. and other hieroglyphical subjects. With plates, and notes explanatory of the same. pp. Vi. + 134 + (2) + + 4 + 7. Folded maps. 80. Malta, [privately printed], 1828. Imperfectjanti a second 1830, entitled “A summary view of the early histor of Eg’pt”. This copy was resented. e_autIor to th an of Yarmouth in_129, [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 447