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ON, Sir Charles Wyville
THOMSON, Sir Charles Wyville
Author: ON (Sir Charles Wyville)
DEPOSIIU Lt ROM8ON (Sir Charles Wyville). Thetchallenger’ Zxpedition: papers by Sir VI. Thomeon, Mr. Murray, Mr. Moeeley, Mr. Buoharan and the late Dr. von iflem5es- Suhm, the Royal Society, and. printed in their Proceedings, (No. 170, 1876), etc. pp. (4) + 463—66. Plates, t8ble8,lded naps and. charts. - 0 8 London, 1876.
Card ID: 546
Author: THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyville)
THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyville). Report on the scientitio results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, etc. [CONTINUED.] 5. Zoology. 32vols. in 40. (1880—89.) 6. Summary. 2 vols. (1895.) 6.R3. [Another copy of 2. Vol. 1., Part 1.] 2.
Card ID: 548
THOMSON (Sir Charles Wyville). See PORCUPINE, HJ.urveying—vesse1. Preliminary report of the...eploration of the deep sea. • .conduoted. ,W.Thorn— son, etc. [London, 1869.]
Card ID: 550