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ON Robert Louis Balfour a:robert louis|k:0750 (45)



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    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). [Cards under this heading are arranged in the following order:] Works. Collected poems. iwo or more works. Letters. Single works. Selections. Works written in collaboration. Appendix.

    Card ID: 316

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    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    71 STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). [Works. — 1906.] The Works of Robert Louis Stêvensoñ. With bibliographical notes byE.GOsse. (Pentland Edition.) 20 vols. Portraits, plates and maps. 8°. London, 1906—07. No. 1025 of 1550 sets printed. 1. An Inland voyage. Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. A Mountain town in France. Edinburgh: pioturesque notes. [SEE NEXT CLRD.]

    Card ID: 317

  • card

    Author: JSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    0 S 3, STEVEI’JSON (Robert Louis Balfour). [Works. - 19O6.J The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, etc. C Continued.) 15. Records of a family of engineers. Additional memories and port’aits. Later essays. Lay morals. Prayers written for family use at Vailima. 16. A Footnote to history. Island nights’ entertainments. Olalla. Heathereat. 17. In the South Seas. Letters from Samoa. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 321

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    Author: TEVENON (Robert Louis balfour)


    (Lc) bTEVENON (Robert Louis balfour). [Works. — 1911.) The Works of Robert Louis stevenson. CQftjnuOd. J 13. The Vrecker. 14. I Child’s garden of verses. Underwoods. Ballads. songs of travel. Additional poeius. 15. Deacon Brodie, or Double life. Beau Austin. Admiral Guinea. Mncaire. 16. Records of a family of engineers. Additional memories and portits. Later essays. Lay morals. Prayers written for family use at Vai1im. FLNE CR).j

    Card ID: 326

  • card

    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    ‘4 STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). [Works. — 1922J (The Works of Robert Louis stevenson. nt1riued.) 11. The !!erry men, and other tales. Memoir of • Fleeming Jenkin. 12. Memo±ies and portraits. Random memories. • Records of a family of engineers. 13. The Black Arrow. The Misadventures of John Nicholson. 14. The Master of Ballantrae, The Great North Road. 15. The Wrong box. (Written in collaboration with L.sbourne.) Island nights’ entertainments. Fathe3’ Damien. 16. In the South Seas. A Footnote to history. 17. The Wrecker. (Written in collaboration with L.Osbourt [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 331

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    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). [single wori() 4n Apology for Idlers. [Signed RL.S. i.e. R.L. Stevenson.j [From Corrthill Magazine, Vol. XXXVI. No. 211. July, 1877..1 [London, 1877.] 5, R.L.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: NSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    STEVliNSON (Robert Louis Balfour).. 18inie Works.1 BafladS..A N.ew impression pp. vi, + 1S7. 8°. London, 113.

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    Vo q STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). [Single Works] Catriona, a seciuel to “Kithiapped”... With. • .illustrations.. .by A.C.Michael. (Cassell’s Fnire Library for Boys and Girls.) pp. viii. ÷ 357. 8°. London, f 1917).

    Card ID: 352

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    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). Edinburgh: picturesque notes. • .With illustrations by T.H. Crawford. pp. 197. London, 1896.

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    (I?c) & STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). Familiar studies of !nen and books. pp. xxviii. + 397. [E.fl.&j.L.J 4. London, i888. No 42 of 100 copies on 1areppe.

    Card ID: 361

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    Author: ON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    STERLING LIBRARY REFERENCE ONLY STEVE)1$ON (Robert Louis Balfour). {Sin1e Works0] Hitherto unpublished prose writings. Edited by H.H.Harper. pp. 195. Portraits and fac sinules. 4° ib1iophi1e Societ: Bostoii, ‘I1 The titiepage is cnrave Edition limited to 45Oies. S.L.O., L 846.

    Card ID: 368

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    Author: STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour)


    i; 1sjt REFEr1iCa •DUIY STEVENSON (Robert Louis Balfour). [Single vorks.] In the South Seas: being an account of experiences and observations in the Marquesas, Palimotus and Gilbert Islands in the course of two cruises, on the Yacht T1Casco” i888) and the schooner ttEquatortt <18897?. pp. vii. ± 343. 80 London, 1903. First separate English edition. .L.C., 1.856. A new impression. pp. vii. + 33. 8°. London, 1912.

    Card ID: 369