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ON, John Shute
POLE, j John Wiini
MACKWOBTH, Sir Humphrey
No Author available
Author: ON (John Shute)
PTL Bar tL BGrON (John Shute), 1st Viscount rrington. The Rights of Protestant dissenters. In two parts. The first being the case cf the dissenters review’d. The second, a vindication of their right to an absolute toleration from the objections of Sir H.Mackworth in his treatise entitled. ‘Peace at hone’, &c.. .The second edition, corrected and erilarg’d., etc. [By John Shute, afterwards Viscount Barrington.) 80. London, 1705. See PROTESTANT DISSENTERS.
Card ID: 582
Author: BARRINGTON (John)
SHUTE, afterwards BARRINGTON (John), Viecount Brrint. See BARRINGTON (John Shute), 1t Viscount Barrington.
Card ID: 517
Author: POLE (j John Wi11ini)
7 DE LA POLE (j John Wi11ini), Bart. See POLE (Sir William).., of Co1cobe and Shute, Devon. ol1ections towards a description of the county of Devon.. .Now first printed from the autograph in the possession of,.Sir J.W.De Isa Pole Land edited by him]. London, 1791.
Card ID: 149
Author: MACKWOBTH (Sir Humphrey)
PTL O%f MACKWOBTH (Sir Humphrey). Peace at hote, etc. See PROTESTANT DISSENTEBS. The Rights of Protestant dissenters. In two parts. The first being the case of the dissenters review’d. The second, a vindication of their right to an absolute toleration from the objections of Sir H.Mackworth in his treatise entitled. ‘Peace at home’, &c. • .The second edition, corrected and enlarg’d, etc. EBy John Shute, afterwards Viscount Barrington. J 80. London, 1705.
Card ID: 563
Author: No Author available
PTOTESTANT DIS&DTES. The Rights of Protestant dissenters • In two parts. The first being the case df the d±ssenters review’ d. The second, a vindication of their right to an absolute toleration fron the objections of Sir H.Mackworth in his treatise entitled ‘Peace at home’, &c. • .me second edition, corrected and enlarg’d, etc. [By John Shute, afterwards Viscount Barrington.] 2 parts in 1 vol. 8°. London, 1705. There is a separate titlepege, register and pagination to Part 2.
Card ID: 441