
Search Term (count):

ON Izaak a:an sir john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: ON (Izaak)


    l1 1• WAtI2ON (Izaak), the Aner, .The Uves o Dootor John Danne, Sir Henry Wot.ton, Mr. Riohard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Iobort Sanderson. [With an introduction, by V. sIckbu:r.] pp. xd. +295. Portrait, 8. London, 1895. Book set for BA. Honours 1911. English.

    Card ID: 488

  • card

    Author: WALTON (Izaak)


    Yl wl8L 969 WALTON (Izaak), the Anler. The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wottori, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. 1670. tFacs1mile reprint ot a copy in the Bodlelan Library.) (Scolar Press Pacs imile.’) pp. (j. 8) 88, Menston, 1969.

    Card ID: 489